Cinexplore is an app which you can add movies & TV shows to your profile. You can explore new shows and movies based on your interests. You can also use our AI Recommendation tool to get customized recommendations for different genres, topics, interests etc.
“Cinexplore” lets you:
- Create a user profile
- Add movies and TV shows to your profile
- Explore new and popular TV shows and movies
- See details of TV Shows and Movies
- Get recommendations based on your profile
- Ask Artificial Intelligence for custom recommendations based on movies and TV shows you provide.
I’ve used:
- MongoDB for database
- Express & Node.js to create REST API to communicate with database. (You can find REST API and its documentation here:
- Cloudinary to store profile pictures
- TMDB API to get data about movies and TV shows
- Groq & Llama as an Artificial Intelligence
- React for User Interface
- Tailwindcss as a CSS framework