ClaimToken encrypts and signs tokens to be used in a claim-based authentication system. Will encrypt JSON providing a signature, IV and encrypted message({"data": "blah"}
). The returned objects IV and data is base64 encoded.
You can store the encrypted message in a cookie for use when authenticating with your other microservices.
Info about Claim Based Authentication
See our Ruby library for implementing in rails, sinatra etc.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
npm install claimtoken
ClaimToken = require('claimtoken');
crypto = require('crypto');
CT = new ClaimToken();
// dont commit your keys into source control!
CT.configure(function(config) {
config.sharedEncryptionKey = crypto.randomBytes(32); // must be 32 bytes/char in length, change this to your own private key
config.digestSecret = crypto.randomBytes(81); // change this to your own secret digest
config.cypherType = "aes-256-cbc"; // optional and default
encrypted = CT.encrypt({foo: "bar"});
<!-- // returns
type: "EncryptedMessage",
cipher: "aes-256-cbc",
data: "P/2kgNhGBCu2WaF5lM3foW+tGdaJ3O/5tYSmhqg7rtI=",
iv: "CksPXjFY5oon22a4k2mjnQ==",
signature: "fa366a0a3ca6f4dfad954ff5b77eafc083f98c02"
<!-- // returns
Object#{foo: "bar"}
npm test
mocha test --recursive --watch --debug