Releases: NtsFranz/Spark
Releases · NtsFranz/Spark
This is the first stable release of v2.6
Changelog for v2.5->v2.6 is below:
Server Location
- Added two variants for US Central South (Houston and Dallas) in the region picker
- Added an override for AWS East region to better identify Chicago, Houston, and Dallas
Add a Random Team button in the spark://c/ join dialog
Added a local sqlite database for all events that would appear in the event log
- You can go to http://localhost:6724/local_database to see some of the events that are saved on your computer.
- Or you can query the sqlite database directly
Dashboard changes
- Pause/Ready/Restart buttons for your team
- Colored team names using detected VRML team names in the Previous Goals section
- Player list on the left is clickable to go to the Ignite Metrics page for that player
Added a button to automatically install and launch the Replay Viewer in VR or 2D mode
ASCIIECHO by qlyoung
Camera Write improvements
- Added a slider to the camera write animations
- Added /api/camera/pov/{player_name} and /api/camera/follow/{player_name} for manually switching camera
- Add WriteAPI button
Additional 3D mouse support.
- Support for the SpaceMouse Compact and partial support for the SpaceMouse Wireless
- Performance improvements when using a 3D mouse.
Overlay Improvements
- Added individual overlay component overlays for customization in OBS
- Automatic installation of an OBS scene collection with all the Spark overlays
- Allow any global url in the Game Overlay rather than only relative URLs
- Allow hosting of .glb files in overlays
- Progress bar for overlay downloads
OBS Integration Improvements
- Updated OBS integration to support OBS v28+
- OBS websocket connection should also be more stable and freeze Spark less.
Spectator camera improvements
- Add a "Follow Discholder" camera mode that switches to the last discholder automatically
- Add a cache for switching the camera to a player so it doesn't cycle as much
- Add a setting to enable -capturevp2 when launching the game in VR
Add a player blacklist file for TTS
- Add one name per line in tts_blacklist.txt next to Spark's settings.json
Clipping fixes
- Fix for and OBS not clipping Emotes or Jousts despite those being in settings
- Fixed obs clip settings visibility (thanks @nvmsocool)
For people with league caster authorization only:
- Pause/Ready/Restart buttons for both teams
- New Find All Quests UI:
- Button to copy spark:// link
- Buttons to send each quest to the local match
- Memory of past usernames for that headset id
- API endpoint for the Find All Quests dialog box
Fixes and tweaks:
- More loading screen tooltips
- Added more Japanese translations
- Fixed memory leak for .butter replay file saving
- Quest Pro controllers support for joining matches using spark:// links
- Add support for the SpaceMouse Compact
- Automatic installation of an OBS scene collection with all the Spark overlays
- Add a "Follow Discholder" camera mode that switches to the last discholder automatically
- Add a cache for switching the camera to a player so it doesn't cycle as much
- Add a player blacklist file for TTS
- Add one name per line in
next to Spark'ssettings.json
- Add one name per line in
- Add a setting to enable -capturevp2 when launching the game in VR
- Allow any global url in the Game Overlay rather than only relative URLs
- Add a Random Team button in the spark://c/ join dialog (Uninstall the Microsoft Store version if you want to see this new dialog)
- Smaller UI tweaks