Releases: Nordix/kahttp
Add a NotOK counter
A client-only release.
Adds a NotOK
counter for responses with a status-code != 200;
$ kahttp -address http://localhost:9990/no -timeout 3s | jq .
"Started": "2020-12-26T15:15:33.964883773+01:00",
"Duration": 2978245599,
"Rate": 10,
"Clients": 1,
"Dials": 30,
"FailedConnections": 0,
"Sent": 30,
"Received": 30,
"Dropped": 0,
"FailedConnects": 0,
"NotOK": 30
Server logging
Server release. Use
Http2 support on client side
Since there are no outstanding bugs and no plans for altering any interface I set v1.0
The server docker image is not updated since the update is on client side only.
Proxy fix-up
Fix issue #2
Server host statistics
Implements the server host statistics function requested in #1 .
Now with https
This release adds support for https.
In client mode the certificate verification is disabled because the server is most likely using a self-signed certificate.
The server is updated with support for https and new parameters are added.
The binary release now includes the certificate used for the docker image used in k8s. It can (with some effort) be used to do certificate verification if some other client than kahttp
is used.