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Using the Digitalt Museum API

This is an overview of methods to query the Digitalt Museum (DiMu) API. Field use and detail level may vary in the different collections/museums.

Digitalt Museum contains more than 3,860,000 heritage objects from Norway (1,85 mill. objects from 174 museums) and Sweden (2 mill. objects from 51 museums) (27.09.2016).

Digitalt Museum and API to the metadata is provided by KulturIT. A general API documentation (in Norwegian only) is at The documentation below is based on KulturIT's documentation, on Nasjonalmuseet's experience of using the API to create web applications and on the Nordic Museum’s work with Wikimedia Commons uploads during the fall of 2017.

The API endpoint is

Digitalt Museum: museums and collections

An xml overview of museums or collections per country can be found like this:


The term owner here corresponds to a museum or collection. Each owner has an element identifier which is used to limit an API search. The owner structure is flat, but owners that are children of other owners in the hiearchy have a parent element. Calls to the API should always be limited to one or more owners unless you specifically need to query the entire index.

The Nordic Museum’s owner code is S-NM.

Querying the Digitalt Museum Solr index

For queries to the Digitalt Museum Solr index most common parameters can be used, including paging, sorting and to a certain extent faceting.


There are several searchable fields in the Solr index. Some are stored and not tokenized, and some fields are tokenized but not stored, but still searchable. Typical examples of stored fields are the ingress fields. The content of these fields are displayed in the response. There are other stored fields that are not part of ingress that can be be used.

  artifact.ingress.title: "Stemma. Quattrocento [Maleri]",
  artifact.ingress.producer: "Slaattelid, Mari",
  artifact.uuid: "5A4FCFDD-CB15-4DB1-971F-4FF5D15E68F6",
  artifact.pictureCount: 1,
  artifact.defaultPictureIndex: 15618,
  artifact.childCount: 2,
  artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier: "012wWWHgNJLA",
  artifact.hasPictures: true,
  artifact.uniqueId: "021045839502",
  artifact.ingress.production.toYear: 1999,
  artifact.ingress.producerRole: "Kunstner",
  artifact.publishedDate: "2015-04-18T06:18:23.538Z",
  artifact.ingress.license: [
    "AC 1"
    ], "MS-04266-1999",
  artifact.hasChildren: true,
  identifier.owner: "NMK-B",
  artifact.type: "Fineart",
  artifact.ingress.production.fromYear: 1999,
  artifact.ingress.subjects: [
    "Bildende kunst"
  artifact.updatedDate: "2015-09-22T07:49:19.08Z"

To search for a KulturNav person UUID, use fq=related_person_relations_uss:UUID

To retrieve more than 100 responses, add start=100 for your second query etc. response.numFound contains the total number of results in a query.

Response formats

The response will be in xml by default. Add the parameter wt=json for a JSON response.

Add the fl parameter to select which fields to include in the response. Example: fl=artifact.uniqueId,artifact.ingress.title,artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier will only include those three fields.

Indexed fields

Field name Description Museum or collection's own identifier / inventory no., e.g. NMK.2005.0257
identifier.owner Museum or collection code, e.g. NMK-B
artifact.uniqueId DiMu-specific unique id for object, e.g. 021045835852
artifact.folderUids Folder ID of object, i.e. find all objects in a folder Name, alternative name, etc
artifact.type Type of object, e.g. 'Exhibition'
artifact.classification Classification. Nasjonalmuseet uses Outline where relevant.
artifact.pictureCount No. of images for this object
artifact.hasPictures true or false
artifact.defaultMediaIdentifier Id for default picture on DiMu media server (DMS)
artifact.defaultPictureIndex Id for default picture (obsolete)
artifact.publishedDate Date published to DiMu
artifact.updatedDate Last updated
artifact.ingress.title or artifact.title Object title
artifact.ingress.producer or artifact.producer Producer
artifact.ingress.producerRole Role code for producer: Artist, designer, architect etc
artifact.ingress.additionalProducers Any additional producers
artifact.ingress.production.fromYear or artifact.event.fromYear Production year start
artifact.ingress.production.toYear or artifact.event.toYear Production year end or Production place
artifact.eventDescription Event description
artifact.ingress.classification Classification
artifact.ingress.subjects Subjects
artifact.depictedPerson Depicted person
artifact.depictedPlace Depicted place
artifact.material Material
artifact.technique Technique
artifact.license Object license (not picture license), truncated search. 'cc-by' will return 'cc-by-nc-nd' as well
artifact.ingress.license Object license (not picture license), exact match search. 'cc-by' will not return 'cc-by-nc-nd'
allContent Free text search field (default)

Example Solr queries

Searching in fields is done by adding field:query as a value to the fq parameter. Multiple searches can be joined by AND or OR separators or by stacking multiple fq parameters. Multiple fq parameters count as an AND search.*&fq=identifier.owner:S-NM*&wt=json&api.key=demo

The above query will return all Nordic Museum objects in the DiMu API. Mandatory parameters for a query are the q parameter and an api key. The "demo" key will only return 10 rows.

Objects related to a place [Oslo]:*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&

Object name [Maleri (painting)]:*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&

Object name [Ukiyo-e]:

With a specified number of rows returned per request. 100 rows is maximum. The response can be paged with the start parameter.*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&

Object type [Exhibition]:

With a specified number of rows returned per request. 100 rows is maximum. The response can be paged with the start parameter.*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&fq=artifact.type:Exhibition&wt=json&rows=100&api.key=demo

Objects by a specific artist/producer [Harriet Backer]:*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&fq=artifact.producer:Harriet%20Backer&wt=json&api.key=demo

Facet by producer, ordered alphabetically (default):*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&fq=artifact.hasPictures:true&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=artifact.ingress.producer&facet.limit=7000&facet.sort=index&wt=json&rows=0&api.key=demo

Facet by producer, ordered by frequency / number of objects in collection:*&fq=identifier.owner:NMK*&fq=artifact.hasPictures:true&facet=true&facet.mincount=1&facet.field=artifact.ingress.producer&facet.limit=7000&wt=json&facet.sort=count&rows=0&api.key=demo

Full object view

The Solr response has limitations in certain fields. For instance, it will only return one title for an object although multiple titles may exist, for instance titles in other languages. Also, the Solr response will only list one producer per object even if more exist, and it will not list any attribute associated with the production event. E.g. if a production event carries the attribute antatt sikker (presumed certain), it will not be present in the Solr response..

The full object view (in JSON) of individual objects can be requested by using the object’s artifact.uuid from the Solr response:

The full view will return more fields than the Solr response, in particular it will have a more elaborate description of the production event. Se here for an overview of the full object representation.

Retrieving media

See here for how to retrieve pictures from the DiMu media servers.


Documentation of the Digitalt Museum API






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