I created this project for a talk I did at the Geekle Vue.js global Summit. https://geekle.us/vue
You can find the presentation here https://www.slideshare.net/NorbertNader/vue-presentation-249091110/NorbertNader/vue-presentation-249091110
You can also vue the presentation on youtube https://youtu.be/SNOZNupl0GY?t=29288
This is a starter kit to get a simple Vue.js app up and running and move it to the AWS Cloud.
It includes server side rendering, code split routes and lazy loading components.
The app will deploy as a Node.js Lambda.
You also get a metrics lambda to log some basic metrics to Amazon CloudWatch.
Make sure you are on node14+.
You can use n
to switch the node version.
npm install
npm install -g @vue/cli
Read more here https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/installation.html
npm install -g @vue/cli-service-global && npm install -g @vue/compiler-sfc
Read more here https://cli.vuejs.org/guide/prototyping.html
To run the app in ssr mode you wil first need to build the bundles.
npm run build
Now you can start the server.
npm run serve:ssr
This will start a server at http://localhost:8080
To start using the lambda locally you will need to follow the sam install.
This will require installing docker as well and sharing the project directory.
You might need to create a docker account and sign in locally if you reach limit for max image requests.
You will need to build the app first.
npm run build
Then build the lambda. This will also move the dist directory to the sam build.
npm run build:lambda
Now you can test the lambda locally.
npm run serve:lambda
To move the app to the AWS cloud you will first need to create an aws account.
Then you will need to install the aws cli.
Install sam cli.
Set your global aws credentials which we will need for moving our app to the cloud.
Follow the presentation to create your infra https://www.slideshare.net/NorbertNader/vue-presentation-249091110/NorbertNader/vue-presentation-249091110
You can also watch the presentation here https://youtu.be/SNOZNupl0GY?t=29288
Once you have your infrastructure set up you will need to update the placeholders.
- asset-uploader.sh - replace with the name of your s3 bucket.
- logger.js - replace with your metrics lambda id.
- metrics-lambda.js - replace with your metrics lambda id.
- vue.config.js - replace with your cloudfront id.
Upload your assets to s3.
npm run upload:assets
Then simply run the deploy command to deploy your lambda functions.
npm run deploy:lambda
Grab a coffee as your app deploys to production :)
After developing you can upload your assets and deploy your lambdas.
npm run upload:assets && npm run deploy:lambda
Or you can build this into your CI/CD pipeline.
One thing to keep in mind is that the metrics api endpoint is hard coded.
You will need to update the endpoint if you update the sam lambda.
The same goes for the ssr lambda, so the api endpoint will change for your app.
- Add HMR for SSR
- Automate infra setup instead of having to follow presentation. Probably use CDK and create a note script like
npm run infra:create <accountId>
- Add typescript, linting and tests
- Add CI/CD with CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, CodePipeline etc.