This is a fork of deforestg/dj-saml-idp which in turn is a fork of novapost/django-saml2-idp and is intended to provide Python 3 support.
dj-saml-idp implements the Identity Provider side of the SAML 2.0 protocol and makes user authentication available to external applications.
Note: Only targets support of Python 3.5 and Django 1.10+.
The test runner is pytest and we are using tox to run tests against different versions of Django. The test can be run locally using either tox directly (preferably in a virtualenv):
$ pip install tox $ tox
First of all, create a new version of the package. We use bumpversion to handle updating all version strings, committing the changes and creating a new git tag automatically. To bump the packag version use the follwoing command with whichever part of the semantic version you'd like to update:
$ bumpversion (major|minor|patch)
for instance for a minor update, use (which should be the most common case):
$ bumpersion minor
You need the PyPI credentials for the mobify account to be able to release a new version and the build script is expecting it defined as an environment variable:
$ export PYPI_PASSWORD=supersecretpassword
Releasing a new version to PyPI is very simple. The first thing you need to do is make sure that all the test are passing and that the version in saml2idp/ is the one that you'd like to create on PyPI.
With that done, all you need to do is run the following commands:
$ make release
This will cleanup the build/ and dist/ directories, build a source package and a Python wheel. Both will then be uploaded to PyPI.
Distributed under the MIT License.