Please pray for South Korea.
(former Eclipse Chrome Theme)
Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes allows you to customize every single details of Eclipse's appearance. It also contains beautiful and elegant built-in presets.
You need Eclipse 4.2 or above version to install this theme.
- Drag
on to Toolbar of your Eclipse 4 to install Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes.
- After installation, Choose
Jeeeyul's themes - Custom Theme
fromPreferences > General > Appearance
What if you don't have Market Place Client on your Eclipse, please refer to the Alternative Installation Guide.
Press Button on main toolbar to open customize preference dialog. Or open preference dialog and select
General > Appearance > Jeeeyul's Themes
Jeeeyul's Eclipse Themes is distributed under the EPL.
This license basically provide unlimited freedom except very specific case.
As far as I experienced, donation is most easy way to contribute.