Automate the sending of whatsapp messages to multiple chats and even multiple times.
You can grow your business by automating the task of sending messages to multiple customers at once. You can also use this as a solution to the limit of sending messages to only 5 chats at once.
$ git clone $ pip install -r requirements.txt (OR pip install selenium urlextract validators) $ python # You will have to edit the file first
You can download the chromedriver as per your browser version from Chromedriver website here
To find a chromedriver version compatible with your Chrome browser go to either chrome://version or chrome settings page
Reduced QR CODE Scanning: A system has been added that will save your session so that whatsapp doesn't think you are logging in for first time. By Saving Session data you will have to scan QR Code to Login only once for the session until you don't logout from the WhatsApp Web. Live Url Preview: The link preview will be loaded automatically if the message contains a url
Please enter the name of the chat as it shows up on the whatsapp web and also be sure about case as it is case sensitive.
Feel free to mail me at my email address for any queries.