The project aims to deploy a web application using Docker Swarm, an efficient container orchestration tool that simplifies the management and scaling of containerized applications.
- Python 3.9
- Node.js
- React
- Docker
- AWS Account
- Swarm-manager
- Swarm-worker-1
- Swarm-worker-2
git clone
Docker installation doumentaion
Check docker version
sudo docker --version
sudo docker build -t notes-app
Custom TCP - 2377 - Anywhere IPV4 Custom TCP - 8000 - Anywhere IPV4
Now open the "Swarm manager" node and run the command
sudo docker warm init
This will be creating empty swarm.
After initializing the swarm on the “swarm-manager” node, there will be one key generated to add other nodes into the swarm as a worker. Copy and run that key on the rest of the servers.
(Now, both machines are added to the swarm as a worker).
To check about all the nodes in the manager, run
sudo docker node ls
Before push image to the docker hub, please login with your docker-hub credentials
docker login
Now tag the image using your docker-hub username and version
sudo docker tag notes-app <docker-hub-username>/django-notes-app:latest
Now push to the docker hub
sudo docker push <docker-hub-username>/django-notes-app:latest
Now Create a service in the docker manager node server to install the application through the docker image from the docker hub.
sudo docker service create --name django-notes-app --replicas 3 --publish 8000:8000 <docker-hub-username>/django-notes-app:latest
Now, run sudo docker service ls
in manager mode you can see service is up and running
Now, this service will create a container in the Manager node and worker 01 and worker 02 node.
To check, run the command: sudo docker ps
Now, service will be running on all three nodes. To check this, just grab the Ip Address of any of the nodes followed by port 8000.
http://:8000 check on all 3 nodes(manager, worker 1,2 [ec2 instances])
In Docker Swarm, you can scale up or scale down the number of replicas (tasks) for a service using the docker service scale command. This command allows you to change the number of replicas, effectively increasing or decreasing the desired number of instances for a particular service.
Scale Up: To increase the number of replicas for a service:
docker service scale <service_name> = <replica_count>
Make Drain(Inactive) to manager node using following command.
docker node update --availability drain <node name>