As a Dataminded, having 8 years of rich experience in Data Warehousing involving Business Requirements Analysis, Application Design, Data Modeling, Development, Testing, and Documentation.
I Am confident in my ability to design and implement scalable, cost-effective data pipelines and architectures for storing, processing, and analyzing Big Data.
•Technical expertise in Big Data technologies like Hadoop, Spark, Python, and SQL with on-premise and cloud technologies like Azure(ADF, DataBricks, Storage Services, Functions, Logic Apps) and AWS services(Boto3, Lambda, S3, Ec2, Glue, Redshift, Athena).
• Hands-on experience using GCP and Snowflake.
•An effective communicator with good presentation and organizational Sills •Flexible to learn advancements in the IT industry, Quick learner, Team Player, willing to learn new technologies.
•Domain experience in Retail and Health Care.
🔭 I’m currently working on Digital & Advanced Analytics
🌱 I’m currently learning How to make a use of Tech for the human betterment.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on AI || Blockchain || AdvTech
📝 I regularly write articles on [my personal blog or Linkedin and twitter.](my personal blog or Linkedin and twitter.)
💬 Ask me about AI, Data Science, Crypto, Blockchain and what's so interesting about tech.
📫 How to reach me
⚡ Hobbies Playing Guitar, singing, fitness and standup comedy.