Domain Specific Language: Forge 0(Zero) Finder (F0F).
It's main purpose is to develop methods to find functions's zeros.
It is used in the game at
In the terminal, get to the path: F0F/F0F/src
There, run: python3 -m F0Fmain <file_path>
Where <file_path> is the path to the file with the code to execute in our Domain Specific Language.
program -> declaration_list F0F
declaration_list -> declaration declaration_list | epsilon
declaration -> funct_decl | var_dec | statement
statement_list -> var_decl statement_list | statement statement_list | epsilon
F0F -> Forge ( parameters ) { statement_list }
funct_decl -> fun id ( parameters ) { statement_list }
var_decl -> var id var_value
var_value -> = expression ; | ;
statement -> expression ; | for_statement | while_statement | if_statement | return_statement | print_statement
for_statement -> for ( var_decl expression ; expression ) { statement_list }
while_statement -> while ( expression ) { statement_list }
if_statement -> if ( expression ) { statement_list } else_stmt
else_stmt -> else { statement_list } | epsilon
return_statement -> return ret
ret -> expression ; | ;
print_statement -> print ( expression ) ;
parameters -> id parm | epsilon
parm -> , id parm | epsilon
arguments -> expression args | epsilon
args -> , expression args | epsilon
expression -> call = operation | operation
operation -> logic_and OR
OR -> || operation | epsilon
logic_and -> equality AND
AND -> && logic_and | epsilon
equality -> comparison eql
eql -> == equality | != equality | epsilon
comparison -> term LGEq
LGEq -> < comparison | <= comparison | > comparison | >= comparison | epsilon
term -> factor FX
FX -> + term | - term | epsilon
factor -> pow PowX
PowX -> * factor | / factor | % factor | epsilon
pow -> unary UX
UX -> ^ pow | epsilon
unary -> ! unary | - unary | call
call -> primary call_type
call_type -> ( arguments ) call_type | epsilon
primary -> true | false | null | integer | decimal | string_chain | id | ( expression )
It is a context free grammar. It is not LL(1) because the productions of 'expression' have intersections in the firsts, since they both reach 'call'. We parse this grammar with a modified LL(1) predictive parser, even though the grammar itself isn't LL(1). We acomplish that doing a branching in the conflictive cases. That allows us to check wich production is the appropriate for the token.
lexer = F0FLexer.F0FLexer(code)
parser = LL1_Parser(G)
tree = Parse_Tree()
ast = AST.ast_from_parse_tree(tree)
interpreter = Interpreter()
# resolver
resolver = Resolver(interpreter)
# interpret
The compiler for F0F implements a lexer(scanner) that creates the code tokens in a lineal time according to the source code size. Later the parser checks for errors and return a productions list. From wich is created a Parse Tree. Later it is used to build the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST), discarding semantic information as grouping symbols, and epsilon. The compiler implements a Visitor pattern, used for resolving scopes and variables values and interpreting. The language have dynamic typing, but the type check could be effectuated using a visitor.