This is a Java-based REST API that allows clients to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on teachers who are stored in a MySQL database.The REST endpoints are designed to allow clients to interact with the database through standard HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE API Endpoints
The following REST endpoints are implemented:
- GET /teachers/?lastname: Get a list of all teachers in the database
- GET /teachers/{id}: Get a specific teacher by ID
- GET /teachers/?lastname = "lastname" : Get a specific teacher by lastname
- POST /teachers: Create a new teacher
- PUT /teachers/{id}: Update an existing teacher
- DELETE /teachers/{id}: Delete a teacher by ID
Technologies Used:
- Java 8
- Java EE 8
- Apache Maven 3.3.2
- MySQL 8.0.32
- Jersey 2.34
- Commons DBCP2 2.9.0
- Jackson 2.34
- Weld CDI