A Chatting Flutter application with beautiful UI and loading animation.
- domain
| | - entities : (mutable objects with unique IDs.
| | They are the in-memory representation of
| | the data that was retrieved from the persistence
| | store (data_source))
| |
| | - value objects : (immutable objects which have value equality
| | and self-validation but no IDs)
| |
| | - exceptions : (all custom exceptions classes that can be
| | thrown from the domain)
| |
| | - common : (common utilities shared inside the domain)
| - service
| | - interfaces : (interfaces that should any external service implements)
| |
| | - exceptions : (all custom exceptions classes that can be thrown
| | from the service, infrastructure and data_source)
| |
| | - common :(common utilities shared inside the service)
| |
| | **- use case classes
| -data_source : (implements interfaces and throws exception defined in
| | the service layer. It is used to fetch and persist data
| | and instantiate entities and value objects)
| UI
| | - pages :(collection of pages the UI has).
| |
| | - widgets: (small and reusable widgets that should be app independent.
| | If you use a widget from external libraries, put it in this folder
| | and adapt its interface,
| |
| | - exceptions : (Handle exceptions)
| |
| | - common :(common utilities shared inside the ui)
Build above architecture by using state_rebuilder state management.\n I found state_rebuilder is very powerful state management solution.
- Very less boilerplate(No boilerplate we can say), as compare to MobX and BLoC \n
- pure dart code \n
- Easy to understand and implement \n \n You can get the detail below
\n App design is inspired by