- VGG-16
- MobileNet
- onnx_list_layer_operation.ipynb
- Show the layer operateion of each model in onnx zoo.
Basic of TensorFlow
- Introduction.ipynb
- tensorflow_tips_01.ipynb
- What is difference between tf.truncated_normal and tf.random_normal?
- tf.nn.conv2d-是怎麼實現卷積的?
- tf.nn.max_pool 實現池化操作
Simple Classification Example
Simple Regression Example
TensorBoard Example
- tensorboard_ex01.ipynb
- tensorboard_ex02.ipynb
- Graph Visualization of simple_classification.ipynb
MNIST with Softmax Regression
- mnist_softmax_regression.ipynb
- Get data from MNIST and only with softmax regression, no CNN.
- ToDo
- mnist_softmax_regression.ipynb
MNIST with vanilla CNN
- mnist_vanilla_cnn.ipynb
- Extend mnist_softmax_regression.ipynb, we improve it with a simple CNN
- 1 x Input layer.
- 2 x Convolution layer. (Convolution + Pooling)
- 1 x Full connected layer.
- 1 x Ouptut layer.
- Extend mnist_softmax_regression.ipynb, we improve it with a simple CNN
- mnist_vanilla_cnn.ipynb
- Tensorflow-101
- [Tutorials use tf.keras]