This project is based on a STM32F407EVT6 Dark board with a TFT LCD ILI9341 that include a touch screen based on XPT2046.
Based on FreeRTOS, this program manage a TFT LCD with a touch screen.
It is edited with the STM32CubeIDE framewoark. The Core part is generated with STM32CubeMX, so written in C and the Application part uses C++.
Name | Description |
LCD | This class contains the LCD commands, the graphics functions and the text printing. |
TOUCH | Touch screen management with pen Up/Down detection and position. This module include the touch screen calibration. |
CONFIG | Allows to store and read value in the SRAM (RTC register). Usefull to keep touch screen configuration after power off. |
FRAME | Is the core module for the GUI. It manages the pen events and the items drawing. |
ITEM | Abstract class for all items to draw on the screen. |
BUTTON | To display a button and detect the click. |
LABEL | To display a static text that can't be clicked. |
CHGVALUE | A control to change a value. It is composed with 2 buttons "<" and ">" with an integer value between. |