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Set of input scripts to readily learn how to create more complex input setup for LaMEM


Individual report: 2 pages of text max (figures not included)

  • Scientific questions: Why this model? What are you investigating?
  • Describe modelling approach: Model setup, geometry, boundary conditions (top, bottom, etc), thermal and mechanical material properties and investigated parameters.
  • Modelling results: Describe modelling results, including figures produced using paraview.
  • Discussion/perspectives. What did you learn? How can you improve the models, what would be the next step? How do the models compare to a real case?


Explore 1 or 2 parameter range

Hand-over March 29th - 2024

Attach the Julia script to your report

Explored setups

Falling blocks 3D Falling block 2D
drawing drawing
Falling block - free surface 2D Plume emplacement - stagnant LID 2D
drawing drawing
Folding 2D Rifting 2D
drawing drawing
Subduction 2D
drawing drawing

LaMEM creep laws

Diffusion creep:

[Hirth, G. & Kohlstedt (2003), D. Rheology of the upper mantle and the mantle wedge: A view from the experimentalists]

  • "Dry_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
  • "Wet_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003_constant_C_OH"
  • "Wet_Olivine_diff_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"

[Rybacki and Dresen, 2000, JGR]

  • "Dry_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"
  • "Wet_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"

Dislocation creep:

[Ranalli 1995]

  • "Dry_Olivine-Ranalli_1995"
  • "Wet_Olivine-Ranalli_1995"
  • "Wet_Quarzite-Ranalli_1995"
  • "Quarzite-Ranalli_1995"
  • "Mafic_Granulite-Ranalli_1995"
  • "Plagioclase_An75-Ranalli_1995"

[Carter and Tsenn (1986). Flow properties of continental lithosphere - page 18]

  • "Quartz_Diorite-Hansen_Carter_1982"

[J. de Bremond d'Ars et al./Tectonophysics (1999). Hydrothermalism and Diapirism in the Archaean: gravitational instability constrains. - page 5]

  • "Diabase-Caristan_1982"
  • "Tumut_Pond_Serpentinite-Raleigh_Paterson_1965"

[Mackwell, Zimmerman & Kohlstedt (1998). High-temperature deformation]

  • "Maryland_strong_diabase-Mackwell_et_al_1998"

[Ueda et al (PEPI 2008)]

  • "Wet_Quarzite-Ueda_et_al_2008"

[Huismans et al 2001]

  • "Diabase-Huismans_et_al_2001"
  • "Granite-Huismans_et_al_2001"

[Burg And Podladchikov (1999)]

  • "Dry_Upper_Crust-Schmalholz_Kaus_Burg_2009"
  • "Weak_Lower_Crust-Schmalholz_Kaus_Burg_2009"
  • "Olivine-Burg_Podladchikov_1999"

[Rybacki and Dresen, 2000, JGR]

  • "Dry_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"
  • "Wet_Plagioclase_RybackiDresen_2000"

[Hirth, G. & Kohlstedt (2003), D. Rheology of the upper mantle and the mantle wedge: A view from the experimentalists]

  • "Wet_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"
  • "Wet_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003_constant_C_OH"
  • "Dry_Olivine_disl_creep-Hirth_Kohlstedt_2003"

[SchmalholzKausBurg(2009), Geology (wet olivine)]

  • "Wet_Upper_Mantle-Burg_Schmalholz_2008"
  • "Granite-Tirel_et_al_2008"

[Urai et al.(2008)]

  • "Ara_rocksalt-Urai_et_al.(2008)"

[Bräuer et al. (2011) Description of the Gorleben site (PART 4): Geotechnical exploration of the Gorleben salt dome - page 126]

  • "RockSaltReference_BGRa_class3-Braeumer_et_al_2011"

[Mueller and Briegel (1978)]

  • "Polycrystalline_Anhydrite-Mueller_and_Briegel(1978)"

Peierls creep:

[Guyot and Dorn (1967) and Poirier (1985)]

  • "Olivine_Peierls-Kameyama_1999"


Set of Julia scripts to learn how to use LaMEM.jl







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