Install Miniconda.
Create a conda environment with the following command.
conda env create --file environment.yml
activate scrap_websites
source activate scrap_websites
Run the following command to scrap the RGS and Paradoxwebsite to get the new statistics about the AARs.
cd AAR
scrapy crawl rgs_aar -o ./Data/RGS_AAR.json
scrapy crawl paradox_aar -o ./Data/Paradox_AAR.json
In Data/RGS_AAR.json and Data/Paradox_AAR.json, search the line with ][, remove it and add a comma at the end of the previous line.
Run the following script to get top n threads according to new views and replies between the 2 latest scrapping dates.
python Analysis/ RGS_AAR.json <n>
python Analysis/ Paradox_AAR.json <n>
n is the size of the top (for example 10).
The results are written in the ARR/Results/RGS and ARR/Results/Paradox directories
Run the following script to get top n threads according to new views and replies in latest year.
python Analysis/ RGS_AAR.json <n> --year
python Analysis/ Paradox_AAR.json <n> --year
n is the size of the top (for example 100).
The results are written in the ARR/Results/RGS and ARR/Results/Paradox directories