This repository contains the code for the monitoring and processing of the Dein Feed Deine Wahl project. For that purpose is currently contains four scripts:
: This script generates an overview of the participants and their donations, downloads all new / not yet locally saved donation. Its output is three fold:- A csv file in
that contains the overview data (all donations attempts, incl. failed, non consent, incomplete, etc.). - A csv file in
that contains the overview data of participants that have consented to donate their data and have donated and do have a watch history longer than zero videos. - All data doantions as jsons in
- A csv file in
: This script generates a monitoring report of the participants and their donations. The report consists of two parts:- A print out in the terminal on ...
- ... the number of total started doantions, completed, and usefull once.
- ... a print out of the basic demografic statistics. (Details on the encoding later in the README, !TODO!)
- Four plots in
...- ... the number of donations by date.
- ... the number of donations by date, but only for donations that were completed after 5am.
- ... the distributions of datapoints by activity category (e.g., likes, comments, etc.).
- ... the voting behaviour of participants (Erststimme und Zweitstimme).
- A print out in the terminal on ...
: This script downloads all videos that are scraped on a daily basis from the database and saves them as/data/political_videos.csv
. This only needs to be run once to set up the enviroment. It should take max. 20min, depending on your
: This script processes the donations and saves them as csvs in/data/processed_donations/
if you prefer to work with them in that way.
To run the monitoring script, first install the necessary dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To run the main script, you need to configure some environment variables in an .env script.
To do so, first copy the .env.example
cp .env.example .env # Create a copy of the example file.
Then set the variables and you are good to go.
To update the monitoring, run:
To generate the monitoring report, run:
To pull the political videos, run:
The script supports the following command-line arguments:
: Filter videos by a specific date (format: YYYY-MM-DD)--username
: Filter videos by a specific TikTok username--output
: Specify a custom output file path (default: data/pol_videos.csv)
Example usage:
python --date 2023-05-01 --output data/filtered_videos.csv
To process the donations to csv format, run:
This will:
- Retrieve the participation overview through the DDM Project Overview API.
- Retrieve the questionnaire responses through the DDM Responses API.
- Gather the donated data for each participant if it has not been saved locally through the DDM Donations API.
- Compute basic summary statistics and generate a csv file that holds
information on the number of donated data points per blueprint and particiapnts,
together with questionnaire responses and additional data. This is saved in
The coding schemes are saved and easily accessible in the utils/
- Q1_gender: 0 = Female, 1 = Male, 2 = Divers, 3 = Prefer not to say/ Dont know
- Q3_education: 0 = Noch in der Schule, 1 = Schule beendet ohne Abschluss, 2 = Volks- oder Hauptschulabschluss, 3 = Realschulabschluss/Mittlere Reife/Polytechnische Oberschule (oder vergleichbar), 4 = Abgeschlossene Lehre, 5 = Fachhochschulreife, 6 = Abitur/Hochschulreife, 7 = Hochschulabschluss (Universität/FH): Bachelor (oder vergleichbar), 8 = Hochschulabschluss (Universität/FH): Master, Magister, Diplom, Staatsexamen (oder vergleichbar), 9 = Hochschulabschluss (Universität/FH): Promotion, Habilitation (oder vergleichbar), 10 = Keine Angabe/weiß nicht
- Q4_location: Baden-Württemberg = 0, Bayern = 1, Berlin = 2, Brandenburg = 3, Bremen = 4, Hamburg = 5, Hessen = 6, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern = 7, Niedersachsen = 8, Nordrhein-Westfalen = 9, Rheinland-Pfalz = 10, Saarland = 11, Sachsen = 12, Sachsen-Anhalt = 13, Schleswig-Holstein = 14, Thüringen = 15, Ich lebe nicht in Deutschland = 16
- Q5_first_vote: 0 = SPD, 1 = CDU/CSU, 2 = Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, 3 = FDP, 4 = AfD, 5 = Die Linke, 6 = BSW, 7 = Andere Partei, 8 = Ungültig, 9 = Keine Angabe, 10 = Nicht wahlberechtigt, 11 = Nicht wählen
- Q6_second_vote: 0 = SPD, 1 = CDU/CSU, 2 = Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, 3 = FDP, 4 = AfD, 5 = Die Linke, 6 = BSW, 7 = Andere Partei, 8 = Ungültig, 9 = Keine Angabe, 10 = Nicht wahlberechtigt, 11 = Nicht wählen
Political and News Interest where added to the survey only after the launch, the variables are therefore not included for every participant (but for the majority of them)
- Q7_polInt-0 (Interest in Politics): 0 = Überhaupt nicht interssiert to 9 = Sehr stark interessiert
- Q7_polInt-1 (Interest in News): 0 = Überhaupt nicht interssiert to 9 = Sehr stark interessiert