- compilation requires C++23 support (provided makefiles use g++-13)
- all tests of CppOrderBook have been performed on x86-64 hardware
- CppOrderBook uses components of the TMP_lib repo, specifically the
class template and the type checking logic contained in namespacetype_pack_check
- the multithreaded implementation for performance measuring uses the SeqLockQueue repo
Limited scope project demonstrating reading an order-message from a socket, constructing a message
object, possibly handing it off to another thread through a seqlock-queue and inserting it into an
order book.
The project employs compile time checks using both classic template metaprogramming
and C++20 concepts. Cutting edge C++ features were incorporated if possible, such as monadic operations
on std::optional
(hence the project requiring C++23 for compilation) and interfacing with heap allocated memory via std::span
Being the de facto industry standard, the byte-layout of messages in the socket buffer complies
with the FIX-protocol, more specifically little-endian FIX Simple-Binary-Encoding (SBE) and the FIX
Simple-Open-Framing-Header. A precise XML specification of the message types used can be found in the misc folder.
For simplicity reasons (i.e. requiring only a single header file include), doctest was
chosen as a unit testing framework.
Special emphasis was put on techniques enabling low-latency. Those include:
- avoiding branches (or, more realistically, keeping them short) even at the expense of some unnecessary computation in each run or a less favorable theoretical algorithmic complexity
- avoiding system calls outside the set-up and tear-down phases of the project, primarily by objects allocating all their required heap memory during construction and holding on to it until destruction and using std::atomic_flag as a lock instead of some flavor of mutex
- memory-aligning objects in accordance with a 64-byte cacheline
- ensuring fast multithreaded access to components that support concurrency, namely the seqlock-queue which enables wait-free enqueueing and lock-free dequeueing and the order book which supports lock-free reads via a seqlock as well (a lock is used required for manipulating book entries though)
- seq-lock queue and much of the underlying logic for type checks have been transferred into stand-alone repos (SeqLockQueue and TMP_lib respectively)
- order types are no longer hard coded in the order-book class template, making adding new message types simpler
- every order type must therefore come with its own handling method that obeys some very specific interface requirements
- folder
contains the source files from repos SeqLockQueue and TMP_lib src/testing
contains, besides unit tests, demo implementations that record empirical latencies in a single- and multithreaded manner (with the option of pinning threads to cores via program arguments) and a single threaded implementation that can be used for profiling purposes- unit tests employ the
framework, which requires including just a single header file which is included insrc/tesing
contain makefiles to build unit tests and and the perfromance measuring implementations mentioned above, g++-13 is hard coded as the compiler and has been used validate and test the projectmisc
contains an XML-specification of included message types in accordance with the FIX standard and a simple Python implementation to generate sample data for measuring and profiling
- all three binaries require the path to a source of sample data as first argument (
generated viamisc/generate_test_data.py
is recommended) - all three binaries will, before completing, print the volume at a random price in the order book to keep the compiler from optimizing away the order executions
accept one and two optional additional arguments respectively to specifiy the indices of the cores their are supposed to run onRecord_latencies_multithreaded
will generate a csv file with total time every single order took to be processed (in nanoseconds), the csv file generated byRecord_latencies_single_threaded
breaks those total latencies down further into how long it took to extract the message from theFIXSocketHandler
object and generate an order and how long it to theOrderBook
object to process the order
- generated on Intel Core i5-12450H
- generated running pinned to isolated performance cores with hyperthreading disabled
- findings:
- generally low fluctuation, spikes in latency are rare and appear to occur randomly
- results for single-threaded run (in nanoseconds, n = 1000000 after excluding the initial 1000 runs):
- mean: 111.42
- standard deviation: 21.35
- max: 1613
- 0.99 quantile: 154
- number of outcomes > 1 microsecond: 21
- results for multithreaded run (in nanoseconds, n = 1000000 after excluding the initial 1000 runs):
- mean: 196.9
- standard deviation: 56.0
- max: 9553
- 0.99 quantile: 307
- number of outcomes > 1 microsecond: 166
the components listed below have the sole purpose of enabling unit testing and/or profiling
- mimics the behaviour of a user-space networking stack with a POSIX-socket like interface
- dispenses FIX messages as they might come in via network
std::int32_t fixMockSocket::recv(void* dest, std::uint32_t len)
represents a blocking call ofrecv
on a POSIX socket, copyinglen
bytes todest
- FIXMockSocket is constructed from
std::vector<std::tuple<std::uint8_t, std::int32_t, std::uint32_t>>
- each
represents a single FIX message with its entries representing the message's type, volume and price respectively
template <typename LineTuple> std::vector<LineTuple> file_to_tuples(const std::string& file_path, char delimiter = ',')
- reads lines from a file (comma seperated by default) to create a vector of tuples
- mock socket can then be constructed from the resulting vector
- build using
- must be run from
directory as that's where the CSVs with test data located RandTestDataErratic.csv
can be reproduced by runningCppOrderBook/misc/generate_test_data.py
- build using
- builds executables
- both executables read FIX messages from a mock socket, construct message objects and insert messages into an order book
hands message off to be inserted by a second thread viaSeqLockQueue::seqLockQueue
- both executables require the path to a CSV file with test data as first command line argument
- to achieve CPU-affinity, give index of the core (or indices of two cores for
) you wish the executable to run on as additonal command line arguments - both executables print out the volume contained in the order book at a random index to prevent the compiler from optimizing away the logic
- both executables generate a CSV containing the latency (time between starting read from socket and completing processing by order book) for every single message that was processed
template <std::uint32_t alignment, typename EntryType_>
requires std::signed_integral<EntryType_>
struct alignas(alignment) OrderBookBucket
: determines the aligment of a single bucket in the order-book and enables a cache optimal outline of the entire order-book memoryEntryType_
: type of the integer that holds the volume of liquidity in a bucket. Needs to be a signed integer as a negative value signifies demand liquidity and a positive value signifies demand
- class template for a type that holds the liquidity at a specific price in an order book includding functionality to add and consume liquidity
void add_liquidity(const EntryType)
: adds to the liquidity in the bucketEntryType consume_liquidity(const EntryType fill_volume)
: withdraws liquidity from the bucket and, given there is a liquidity match, reduces the absolute value of liquidity. Returns the liquidity withdrawn
- defines checks to ensure that any new message type provides all interfaces and functionality necessary to be constructed by
and to be handled withinOrderBook
- uses
from the TMP_lib repo to conduct checks
template <typename FixMsgClass, typename BucketType, std::uint32_t book_length>
concept FixMsgHandlingInterface
- message type needs to provide a member function template that with the book's bucket type and book length as template parameters
- has to accept an order object, the book's base price, a
to access the order book's memory and astd::span
of fourstd::optional<std::uint32_t>
to access the book's stats as function arguments - has to return a
containing the response returned when the order is processed
template <typename FixMsgClass>
concept FixMsgClassGeneral
- necessary for
to be able to construct instances of the message type class - ensures that the following
constexpr std::uint32_t
members are present:msg_length
- ensures that an instance of the class can be constructed from a
struct MsgConsistencyCheck
- template metafunction that ensures consistency of constexpr members across all message types
- the follwing members must be equal:
- additionally
must not be equal for any two message types as it is the only message type identifier withing the Single-Open-Framing-Header of the FIX-protocol
template <typename MsgClassPack>
requires param_pack::type_pack_convertible_v<MsgClassPack>
constexpr inline std::uint32_t determine_max_msg_len
- variable template to determine the length of the longest message type
- necessary for a
type to determine the required size of its buffer at compile time
template <typename MsgClassPack>
requires param_pack::type_pack_convertible_v<MsgClassPack>
constexpr inline std::uint32_t determine_min_msg_len
- variable template to determine the length of the shortest message type
- required by
template<typename MsgClassPack>
requires param_pack::type_pack_convertible_v<MsgClassPack>
constexpr inline bool AlternativesDefaultConstructible
- variable template that ensures all message types can be default-constructed
- necessary because
constructs dummy order objects to avoid braches when handling an order
- defines different types of FIX messages
- need to comply with all the requirements outlined in
- the logic for processing a message in the order book is contained solely within the message type's
method to provide maximum modularity and making it easy to add a new message type - types of messages currently contained in namespace
: adds bid or ask liquidity to the order book at a specific priceWithdrawLimitOrder
: withdraws bid or ask liquidity at a specific price from the order book that has previously been enteredMarketOrder
: buys or sells some amout of stock without specifying a transaction price, thereby consuming liquidity previously present in the order book
- class template
(with the type of the order book bucket and the length of the book as template parameters) encapsulates some functionality that is used across multiple order type handling methods
template <typename MsgClassPack, typename SocketType_>
struct FIXSocketHandler
: collection of supported message class types. Needs to either specialize class templateparam_pack::type_pack_t
from repo TMP_lib or of a type that can be used to generate such a specializationSocketType_
: class of socket that messages will be read from, needs to satisfy conceptAuxil::ReadableAsSocket
(such as a specialization ofstd::variant
- constructs FIX message objects from bytes read from the buffer of an object of a type providing a socket like interface
- reads FIX messages in little-endian Simple Binary Encoding(SBE) and the Simple Open Framing Header(SOFH)
- holds pointer to a socket-type object
: member type, specialization ofstd::variant
with all the types contained inMsgClassPack
std::optional<MsgClassVariant> read_next_message()
: returns astd::optional
type including the a message object within a variant when a message of a type contained in MSGClassVar is read an validated via checksum or an emptystd::optional
if message with a valid header of a type not included inMsgClassPack
or a message is invalidated via checksum
- not able to correctly handle an incoming message with valid header and checksum if the message is shorter than the shortest message contained in MsgClassPack
- roughly analogous to
instead of mutex - holds pointer to
given as argument to constructor (can be nullptr) - has to be locked and can be unlocked by calls to member instead construction and destruction
- supports moving but not copying
bool lock()
: returns false if pointer to flag is nullptr or flag is already set by object, sets flag and returns true otherwise, will block/spin until flag is released by other threadbool unlock()
: clears flag and returns true, returns false if pointer to flag is nullptr or flag wasn't set in the first placevoid rebind(std::atomic_flag* otherflag_ptr)
: callsunlock()
and sets pointer tootherflag_ptr
template <typename MsgClassPack, typename EntryType_, std::uint32_t book_length_, bool exclusive_cacheline_>
struct OrderBook
: collection of supported message class types. Needs to either specialize class templateparam_pack::type_pack_t
from repo TMP_lib or of a type that can be used to generate such a specializationEntryType_
: same as in orderBookBucketbook_length_
: number of price buckets contained in order bookexclusive_cacheline_
: if true, each bucket will be aligned to a full cacheline (64 bytes)
- contains the bid/ask volume for some asset in a range of price buckets relative to some base price
- provides functionality for querying volume for specific price and adusting volume by processing order objects
- negative volume represents demand, positive volume represents supply
- price is represented by an unsigned integer and must therefore always be positive
- contained price range is determined by base price (argument of constructor) book length
- keeps track of best bid, lowest bid, best offer and highest offer at all times
- supports lock-free queries for volume, relies on
as lock when processing orders - all message types come with their own message handling methods, the order book class itself calls those methods when processing orders
- represent conditions that need to hold to avoid a crossed book and maintain the integrity of stats kept
- if there is a best bid, there is a lowest bid and vice versa
- if there is a best offer, there is a highest offer and vice versa
- best offer > best bid, highest offer >= best offer, lowest bid <= best bid
- no positive volume below best offer, no negative volume above best bid
- no non-zero volume above highest offer or below lowest bid
: member type, specialization ofstd::variant
with all the types contained inMsgClassPack
EntryType_ volume_at_price(std::uint32_t price)
: returns volume contained in order book at price specified by argumentstd::tuple<std::optional<std::uint32_t>, std::optional<std::uint32_t>>best_bid_ask()
: returns tuple of two std::optionals containing the prices of best bid and best offer if book contains demand and supply respectively and empty std:optionals otherwisebool shift_book(std::int32_t shift_by)
: changes base price of book byshift_by
and shifts all volume within memory. Not possible if shifting would turn base price negative or result in non-zero volume buckets falling out of bounds. Returns true if successful, false otherwisestd::tuple<std::uint32_t, EntryType_, EntryType_, std::uint8_t> process_order(MsgClassVariant order)
: processes order contained in argument, returns tuple containing:- marginal executions price/ last price at which any volume contained in order was filled
- filled volume: volume filled right when order was processed
- order revenue: price * volume for any volume contained in order that was filled while processing
- 0 if order price was within bounds, 1 if it wasn't (other three entries must be 0 in this case)
- to avoid branches, dummy instances of all the message types other than the one contained in
are constructed and all handling methods are called
std::uint64_t __invariants_check(int n_it)
: intended for debugging purposes, checks invariants layed out above aren't violated, prints an error message containing argumentn_it
(most likely an iteration index) for any violation and returns a sum of error codes of all violations