Simple Programming is a programming paradigm that states:
To make the most maintainable software: All input processors form a simple curve, for any base success case.
Additionally, branching/exception logic should also be a simple curve, when possible.
Base Success Case - A "happy path" that runs the majority of a function/method's logic.
Data - An object whose main purpose is to be an information holder.
- A String
- A List
- A HashMap
- A JSON object
Non-Simple Closed Curve - A non-simple curve that starts and ends at the same processor.
- A -> B -> C -> B -> A
- A -> B -> C -> D -> B-> A
Non-Simple Curve - The usage of processors can only be placed on a curve that croses itself.
- A -> B -> C -> B
- A -> B -> C -> B -> D -> E
Processor - An object whose main purpose is to have its functions/methods be called.
- A service that is @Autorwired, injected, or constructor injected
- A lambda passed into a function
Simple Closed Curve - A simple curve that starts and ends at the same processor.
- A
- A -> B -> A
Simple Curve - The usage of processors can be placed on a curve that does not cross itself.
- A -> B
- A -> B -> C -> D -> E