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Customer Service Portal

ReCharge Checkout API web interface for Shopify


Updates Prepaid Subscriptions through easy-to-use GUI. Features Administrative User functionality, asynchronous API -> database syncing via batching, and real time background job updates via websockets (Action Cable)



First, make sure you have these dependencies installed on your local machine

  • Ruby 2.6.0
  • postgresql
  • nodejs
  • rvm (suggested)
  • Redis
  • Bundler

Set up repo

Next, clone this repository onto your local machine

git clone

Change into newly created directory

cd cs_prepaid_app

Install gems


Create env file (in app root dir) with DATABASE_URL, DEFAULT_MASTER_USER_EMAIL, RECHARGE_TOKEN

touch .env

Set up database

Create database

rake db:create

Load schema file (dont run migrations)

rake db:schema:load

Set up initial admin User (Only admins can create new users)

Edit db/seeds.rb

(linux) sudo nano db/seeds.rb or edit in your IDE

Seed the database

rake db:seed

Populate Data

Pull data from ReCharge

rake batch_mass_request

Upsert data into Postgres

rake batch_mass_upsert

Start the app

In a new terminal

rails s

Then in a second terminal tab

QUEUE=* rake resque:work

Last, leave a third terminal open for rake task commands

Usage example

Release History

  • v1.0.0-beta
    • Work in progress



  1. Fork it (
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request