Swahili NER dataset is Named Entity Recognition (NER) dataset generated from https://huggingface.co/datasets/swahili using back translation techniques.
In case you're interested to explore more about the script used to generate this dataset, please have a look into Augumented Swahili Data.
This data has been cleaned using couple of techniques and ready for training a Spacy NER model without any modifications, with this data we were able to train a swahili-spacy-ner.
Here an example on how the dataset have been structured;
"Alisema kwamba wengi wa watoto hao wa UNCA walikuwa wanawake waliodai kwamba benki hiyo ilikuwa ikitoa mkopo kwa UNCKKKau na UNK",
"entities": [
"Katika mikoa ya kati mvua hutazamiwa kunyesha na dodoma kutoka maeneo ya tatu na ya nne ya novemba mwaka huu na kupimwa kwa wastani",
"entities": [
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