Found all settings to overwrite the default, drop them in your file for example ~.config/state/config/mySettings.php (start by <?php
Instantiate the module with:
add-module 1
The output of the command will return the instance name. Output example:
{"module_id": "roundcubemail1", "image_name": "roundcubemail", "image_url": ""}
Let's assume that the mattermost instance is named mattermost1
Launch configure-module
, by setting the following parameters:
: a fully qualified domain name for the applicationhttp2https
: enable or disable HTTP to HTTPS redirection (true/false)lets_encrypt
: enable or disable Let's Encrypt certificate (true/false)mail_server
: the module UUID of the the mail server (only on NS8), for example24c52316-5af5-4b4d-8b0f-734f9ee9c1d9
: the mail domain used for user IMAP login and Roundcube user identifier. It must correspond to a valid mail domain handled bymail_server
where user names are valid mail addresses tooplugins
: a list of plugins(coma separated) to enable in roundcubemail (default enabled :archive,zipdownload,managesieve,markasjunk
: The maximum size of attachment in MB (default 5MB)
api-cli run configure-module --agent module/roundcubemail1 --data - <<EOF
"host": "",
"http2https": true,
"lets_encrypt": false,
"mail_server": "mail1",
"plugins": "",
"upload_max_filesize": 5
The above command will:
- start and configure the roundcubemail instance
- configure a virtual host for trafik to access the instance
You can retrieve the configuration with
api-cli run get-configuration --agent module/roundcubemail1 --data null | jq
To uninstall the instance:
remove-module --no-preserve roundcubemail1
Test the module using the
The tests are made using Robot Framework
Translated with Weblate.
To setup the translation process:
- add GitHub Weblate app to your repository
- add your repository to or ask a NethServer developer to add it to ns8 Weblate project