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A library for processing maimai charts

This is a parser for rhythm game maimai chart interpretation and manipulation. While this parser is primarily made for maimai, the program structure keeps the extensibility for other games to use.

MaiLib currently supports 2 formats of charts:

  1. MA2: a machine-readable pseudocode used by official maimai game. It records each note in chronological order relative to bar and tick, and has a statistics section recording maximum object number and scores, etc. The game used Ver. 1.03 of this format before maimai DX FESTiVAL, and shifted to Ver 1.04 after adding new Slide notes. This format itself does not contain metadata of the music - stored externally in music.xml. This format is more preferable for this parser.
  2. Simai: a human-readable pseudocode used by most chart player programs. It lines Tap and Hold notes in punch-hole like arrays with fixed separations (n-th notes), and marks Slide note as a group binding with the starting Tap note. The detailed specification can be found at

One example implementation of this library is MaichartConverter, which converts between Simai and Ma2. Please see MaichartConverter for more information.


While you can simply build this library, but mostly you want to add this repo as a submodule.

git clone
dotnet build

Add as a submodule

git submodule add
git submodule update --init --recursive
//Your other command continues


  • The most basic part of this is Chart. You can use this base class to construct different charts.
  • This library follows the Tokenizer-Parser-Compiler format to process files, and uses an Abstract Syntax Tree for grammar decomposition when implementing Simai and Ma2 formats. If you wish to add additional formats, please make sure you also process files in the same fashion as this library, and ensure that all methods within the ITokenizer, IParser, and ICompiler interfaces are properly implemented.
  • The Chart base class is an intermediary in order to achieve inter-format compatability. If you are adding a new format, please be sure to also create a class implementing this base class. The Chart class has already implemented the functions you need for a maimai chart, and you only need to implement several abstract methods in that class to fit your format.
  • Then, you may create a maimai chart instance in your code. For example, creating a Ma2 chart can be done via Chart ma2Chart = new Ma2();.

Additional notice for Simai compatability

  • As always, I think Simai is a language more focused on charting rather than interpreting. I still have no idea why there isn't a UI-based charting tool. Instead we have to learn this unsecure and unintuitive language, especially after Festival added new features. This makes interpreting Simai a huge PAIN since the way it converts between ticks and times is vague and honestly unreasonable.
  • For example, it defines a Slide note as having a wait time of 1 beat or one 1/4 note (or a crotchet for those in the music community) after its start tap. If your Slide note starts longer or shorter than 1 quaver of the current BPM, you will have to: a) change the BPM for that specific Slide or b) define the time by [wait time##last time] (and calculating that is extremely time-consuming).
  • I hope someone develops a language better than Simai to use as a intermediate language between coding and charting. Thank you.

Parameters notice

  • music files should be named musicxxxxxx.mp3, where 'xxxxxx' matches the music ID specified in music.xml in each a000 folder. Please make sure to add 0s at the front of this so that it contains 6 digits
  • bga files should be named xxxxxx.mp4 which matches the music ID specified in music.xml in each a000 folder. Please make sure to add 0s at the front of this so that it contains 6 digits
  • image folders should be structured in image/Texture2D/ and the files should start with 'UI_Jacket_xxxxxx.jpg', where 'xxxxxx' matches the music id specified in music.xml in each a000 folder. Please make sure to add 0s at the front of this so that it contains 6 digits
  • The difficulty parameter is listed 0-4, from Basic to Re:Master. In MaiLib, I specified rules for Easy and Utage, but it takes time for me to figure it out, or you could implement it on your own, referring MaiLib code
  • All paths, reguardless of operating system, should end with a path separator like "/" or "". Do not include the quotation marks in the path.
  • If you have difficulty using the commands, please refer to VSCode launch.json where I included several examples.
  • The whole program was initially planned to convert from ma2 to simai, and all other features were developed after that, so there is a HUGE amount of compromises in the code's design which makes it hard to read (but works so far). It would be most kind of you if you could help me in fixing that.


  • Copyright of all works within this repository belongs to their respective rights holders. This tool is made solely for personal use. Please use any resources not found within this repository at your own risk.
  • If you would like to use this parser in your project, please refer to MaiLib and hopefully that helps!