All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
chinese_name_candidates | GET /api2/json/chineseNameCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming |
chinese_name_candidates_batch | POST /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming |
chinese_name_candidates_gender_batch | POST /api2/json/chineseNameCandidatesGenderBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname) ex. Wang Xiaoming. |
chinese_name_gender_candidates | GET /api2/json/chineseNameGenderCandidates/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{knownGender} | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming - having a known gender ('male' or 'female') |
chinese_name_match | GET /api2/json/chineseNameMatch/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin}/{chineseName} | Return a score for matching Chinese name ex. 王晓明 with a romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming |
chinese_name_match_batch | POST /api2/json/chineseNameMatchBatch | Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming |
gender_chinese_name | GET /api2/json/genderChineseName/{chineseName} | Infer the likely gender of a Chinese full name ex. 王晓明 |
gender_chinese_name_batch | POST /api2/json/genderChineseNameBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names ex. 王晓明 |
gender_chinese_name_pinyin | GET /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyin/{chineseSurnameLatin}/{chineseGivenNameLatin} | Infer the likely gender of a Chinese name in LATIN (Pinyin). |
gender_chinese_name_pinyin_batch | POST /api2/json/genderChineseNamePinyinBatch | Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Chinese names in LATIN (Pinyin). |
parse_chinese_name | GET /api2/json/parseChineseName/{chineseName} | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name) |
parse_chinese_name_batch | POST /api2/json/parseChineseNameBatch | Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name). |
pinyin_chinese_name | GET /api2/json/pinyinChineseName/{chineseName} | Romanize the Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name) |
pinyin_chinese_name_batch | POST /api2/json/pinyinChineseNameBatch | Romanize a list of Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name). |
chinese_name_candidates(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> NameMatchCandidatesOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_candidates(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ NameMatchCandidatesOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_surname_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
chinese_given_name_latin | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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chinese_name_candidates_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_candidates_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_first_last_name_in | BatchFirstLastNameIn | A list of personal Chinese names in LATIN, firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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chinese_name_candidates_gender_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_first_last_name_gender_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_candidates_gender_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_first_last_name_gender_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchNameMatchCandidatesOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname) ex. Wang Xiaoming.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_first_last_name_gender_in | BatchFirstLastNameGenderIn | A list of personal Chinese names in LATIN, firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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chinese_name_gender_candidates(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String, known_gender::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> NameMatchCandidatesOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_gender_candidates(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String, known_gender::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ NameMatchCandidatesOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming - having a known gender ('male' or 'female')
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_surname_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
chinese_given_name_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
known_gender | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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chinese_name_match(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> NameMatchedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_match(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ NameMatchedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Return a score for matching Chinese name ex. 王晓明 with a romanized name ex. Wang Xiaoming
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_surname_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
chinese_given_name_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
chinese_name | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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chinese_name_match_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_match_personal_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchNameMatchedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
chinese_name_match_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_match_personal_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchNameMatchedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Identify Chinese name candidates, based on the romanized name (firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname), ex. Wang Xiaoming
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_match_personal_first_last_name_in | BatchMatchPersonalFirstLastNameIn | A list of personal Chinese names in LATIN, firstName = chineseGivenName; lastName=chineseSurname |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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gender_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> PersonalNameGenderedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
gender_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ PersonalNameGenderedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely gender of a Chinese full name ex. 王晓明
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_name | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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gender_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchPersonalNameGenderedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
gender_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchPersonalNameGenderedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely gender of up to 100 full names ex. 王晓明
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_personal_name_in | BatchPersonalNameIn | A list of personal names, with a country ISO2 code |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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gender_chinese_name_pinyin(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> FirstLastNameGenderedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
gender_chinese_name_pinyin(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_surname_latin::String, chinese_given_name_latin::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ FirstLastNameGenderedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely gender of a Chinese name in LATIN (Pinyin).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_surname_latin | String | [default to nothing] | |
chinese_given_name_latin | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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gender_chinese_name_pinyin_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchFirstLastNameGenderedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
gender_chinese_name_pinyin_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_first_last_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchFirstLastNameGenderedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely gender of up to 100 Chinese names in LATIN (Pinyin).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_first_last_name_in | BatchFirstLastNameIn | A list of names, with country code. |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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parse_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> PersonalNameParsedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
parse_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ PersonalNameParsedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_name | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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parse_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchPersonalNameParsedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
parse_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchPersonalNameParsedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Infer the likely first/last name structure of a name, ex. 王晓明 -> 王(surname) 晓明(given name).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_personal_name_in | BatchPersonalNameIn | A list of personal names |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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pinyin_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> PersonalNameParsedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
pinyin_chinese_name(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel, chinese_name::String; _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ PersonalNameParsedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Romanize the Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name)
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context | |
chinese_name | String | [default to nothing] |
- Content-Type: Not defined
- Accept: application/json
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pinyin_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> BatchPersonalNameParsedOut, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
pinyin_chinese_name_batch(_api::ChineseApi, response_stream::Channel; batch_personal_name_in=nothing, _mediaType=nothing) -> Channel{ BatchPersonalNameParsedOut }, OpenAPI.Clients.ApiResponse
Romanize a list of Chinese name to Pinyin, ex. 王晓明 -> Wang (surname) Xiaoming (given name).
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
_api | ChineseApi | API context |
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
batch_personal_name_in | BatchPersonalNameIn | A list of Chinese names |
- Content-Type: application/json
- Accept: application/json
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