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Common Issues

techy edited this page Jan 25, 2023 · 1 revision

If you are experiencing an issue or error whilst installing or using Melody, please look through the following points to see if this is a common issue within the project. If the issue is not listed, or the the instructions for resolving the issue below are not clear enough, please feel free to open an issue and we'll happily provide help.

Error: FFmpeg/avconv not found!

If you are experiencing this issue, please try removing the ffmpeg-static package with the npm remove ffmpeg-static command, then install the ffmpeg package with the npm install ffmpeg command. If this does not fix the issue, please open an issue.

[Aborted] Unable to find config.yml file.

When this issue occurs, Melody is unable to find your configuration file. To fix this issue, rename the file config.yml.example to config.yml, then change all of your settings in the file accordingly and restart the bot.