React JS application Responsive Site --- Using React-bootstrap, Redux, Redux thunk.
Utilizes Open Restaurant api From OpenTable
WorkFlow:::: Displays Restaurants from a given Selected City If the length of restaurants is more than 5, a New Input box will help to find a restaurant thats closer to you
After Cloning: Run -- npm install then Run -- npm start
For Tests: Run -- npm test
Time Taken : 5 Hours, Preferred Additions : a Couple of UI Animations, Browser Location API (To auto detect the location), A better API Response to display Good reviewed Restaurants.
Most Liked Feature React Hooks:: Makes code Simpler and easier to understand
Tracking Latencies Preformance Tab in Dev tools: Helps you understand how much time a UI is taking to update/load. Had to split code and make smaller parts so that huge ui is divided to two small parts and latency is reduced.
API improvements Will Enable CORS in the first change, will add more restaurant features like : whats famous in the restaurant and Reviews for the restaurant, and cards should match the restaurant Theme Example (if its Chinese Card theme is liitle different, if its Italian its little different
let about_me = { "motive":"Learn new things in the rapidly changing Environment", "key_skills":[ {"skill_name":"React JS","rating":"7/10"} ], "collaborative":"10/10", "Ego":"Zero", "attitude":"Positive", "teaching_subbordinates":"10/10" }
Let : because theres always room to grow