A collection of political datasets. The datasets are listed below within specific categories: cabinets, citizens, constitutions, political institutions, parties and politicians, democracy, economics, elections, international relations, media, policy, political elites, political speeches and debates. All datasets are listed in the datasets in the repository (.xlsx
, .csv
s) with detailed information on the topics, coverage and availability of the respective datasets.
= Name of datasetcategory
= Dataset category (cabinets
= URL to datasettopics
= Specific topics of interest in the datasetcountry
= Name of country (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)region_africa
= Country in African Group (United Nations Regional Groups of Member States)region_asia
= Country in Asia-Pacific Group (United Nations Regional Groups of Member States)region_easteurope
= Country in Eastern European Group (United Nations Regional Groups of Member States)region_latinamerica
= Country in Latin American and Caribbean Group (United Nations Regional Groups of Member States)region_westeurope
= Country in Western European and Others Group (United Nations Regional Groups of Member States)year_start
= Time coverage, year startyear_end
= Time coverage, year endavailability
= Availability of datasetregistration
= Requirements for data accessfree
= Free access to data (1 = Yes, 0 = No)file_codebook
= URL to documentation (usually.pdf
= URL to dataset (.csv
= URL to dataset (.dta
= URL to dataset (.sav
= URL to dataset (Excel)file_r
= URL to dataset (.Rdata
= URL to compressed dataset (.zip
= Name of country string variablevariable_year
= Name of year variablevariable_cow
= Name of Correlates of War numeric identifier variabledoi_article
= DOI for article on datasetdoi_dataset
= DOI for datasetrevised
= Date for last revision in PolData (ISO 8601, YYYYMMDD)note
= Additional info
Make a new issue in the repository or send me a mail at erikgahner@gmail.com
- Basic data on parliaments
- Chilean Ministers
- Chilean Undersecretaries
- Coalition Governance in Central Eastern Europe
- Dutch Parliamentary Voting Dataset
- European Representative Democracy
- Foreign Minister Dataset
- Lobby meetings with UK Government Ministers
- ParlGov: Cabinets
- Parliamentary Rules Database
- Parliaments and governments database
- Portfolio Allocation in Western Europe
- Seki-Williams Government and Ministers Data
- United States of America Cabinet Appointments Dataset
- Veto Players Data
- WhoGov
- Afrobarometer
- Americas Barometer
- Arab Barometer
- Asian Barometer
- Caucasus Barometer
- Eurobarometer
- Latinobarómetro
- American National Election Studies
- Australian Election Studies: Voter Studies
- Austrian National Election Study
- Belgium General Election Study
- British Election Study
- Canadian Election Study
- Danish National Election Study
- Dutch Parliamentary Electoral Studies
- Estonian National Election Study
- Finnish National Election Study
- French Electoral Study
- German Longitudinal Election Study
- Hellenic National Election Studies
- Icelandic National Election Study
- Irish National Election Study
- Israel National Election Studies
- Italian National Election Studies
- New Zealand Election Study
- Norwegian Election Studies
- Portuguese Voters Survey
- Scottish Election Study
- Spanish National Election Study
- Swedish National Election Studies
- Swiss Electoral Studies
- Welsh Election Study
- Australian Constitutional Referendum Study
- Australian National Political Attitudes Surveys
- British Social Attitudes
- Chinese General Social Survey
- Comparative National Elections Project
- Comparative Study of Electoral Systems
- Cooperative Congressional Election Study
- Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship
- Democracy Fund Voter Study Group
- EUI-YouGov survey on Solidarity in Europe
- European Quality of Life
- European Social Survey
- European Values Study
- General Social Survey
- German General Social Survey
- Global Preferences Survey
- International Social Survey Programme
- Investing in Education in Europe
- Issue Competition Comparative Project
- Korean General Social Survey
- Life in Transition Survey
- Making Electoral Democracy Work
- Nationscape
- Pew Global Attitudes Survey
- Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe
- Survey of the Incarcerated
- The SOM Institute Cumulative Dataset
- World Values Survey
- American Trends Panel Datasets
- British Household Panel Survey
- Survey of Income and Program Participation
- Cooperative Congressional Election Study
- German Socio-Economic Panel
- Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics Panel
- Israel Polarization Panel Dataset
- Longitudinal Internet Studies for the Social sciences
- Norwegian Citizen Panel
- Short-term Campaign Panel
- Swiss Household Panel
- The American Panel Survey
- Understanding Society
- European Mood
- Executive Approval Database
- Comparative Agendas Project: Public Opinion & Interest Groups
- Policy Ideology in Europe
- Public Gender Egalitarianism Database
- Public Policy Mood
- State-level climate concern
- The American Ideology Project
- Worlds of Journalism
- Europe Elects
- European Opinion Polls as Open Data
- FiveThirtyEight's Pollster Ratings
- FiveThirtyEight polls
- Irish Demographic Polling Datasets
- Irish Polling Indicator
- PollBase
- PollBasePro: Daily Estimates of Aggregate Voting Intention in Great Britain
- Poll of Polls
- Polls and the Timeline of Elections
- Public support for political parties in Denmark
- SwedishPolls
- Comparative Constitutions Project
- Constitutional Court of Turkey Justice Decisions Dataset
- Judicial Checks and Balances
- Religion and State Project Constitutions Dataset
- ACLP Political and Economic Database
- Berlin Infringement Database
- Comparative Political Data Set
- Comparative Voter ID Law Index
- Congressional Whip Count Database
- Court of Justice of the European Union Database
- Database of Political Institutions
- Disclosure by Politicians
- Electoral Law Indicators
- Electoral System Design Database
- Evolution of European Union Law
- Extraterritorial Voting Rights and Restrictions Dataset
- German Federal Courts Dataset
- Institutional Characteristics of Trade Unions, Wage Setting, State Intervention and Social Pacts
- Institutions and Elections Project
- Judicial Review of Congress Database
- Legislative production in the EU, 1967-2012
- Presidential Power Scores
- Rule of Law Index
- The Centre for European Policy Studies EurLex dataset
- The Political Constraint Index
- U.S. District Court Database
- Age, gender and profession of parliamentarians
- Autocratic Ruling Parties Dataset
- Bundestag Roll Call Vote Data
- Canadian Federal and Ontario Provincial Candidates
- Candidates in American General Elections
- Chapel Hill Expert Survey
- CMP Government Positions Data
- Coalition Inclusion Probabilities Dataset
- Commissioners of the European Union
- Comparative Agendas Project
- CongressData
- Congress slaveowners
- Congressional Scandals
- Danish Legislator Database
- Elected LGBTQ Officials
- EPRG MEP Surveys
- Ethnonationalism in Party Competition
- Every Politician
- German Party Finance Dataset
- Global Party Survey
- Immigration in Party Manifestos
- Issue ownership
- Legislator Diversity
- Local Candidate Dataset
- Manifesto Project Main Dataset (Party Preferences)
- Members and Activists of Political Parties
- Members of the European Parliament
- MPs additional income
- New Parties and Party System Innovation in Western Europe since 1945
- Norwegian Parliamentary Elections, 1906-2021
- One-Party Membership Dataset
- ParlGov: Parties
- Parliaments Day-By-Day
- Parties’ Group Appeals Dataset
- Party Facts
- Party Policy in Modern Democracies
- Party positions from Wikipedia tags
- Party Representation of Social Groups
- Party-Interest Group Relationships in Contemporary Democracies
- Political Leaders’ Affiliation Database
- Political Parties of India
- Political Party Database
- Populism and Political Parties Expert Survey
- Private Members' Bills in the UK House of Commons
- Regional Manifestos Project
- Roll Call Votes in the European Parliament
- Scottish Party Election Manifestos
- Select American State Party Platforms
- State Legislator Shor-McCarty Ideology Data
- The Comparative Legislators Database
- The PopuList
- The Reed-Smith Japanese House of Representatives Elections Dataset
- Varieties of Party Identity and Organization (V-Party)
- Voteview: Congressional Roll-Call Votes Database
- Women in National Parliaments
- A Lexicial Index of Electoral Democracy
- Authoritarian Regimes Dataset
- Autocracies of the World
- Autocratic Regime Data
- Boix-Miller-Rosato (BMR) dichotomous coding of democracy
- Civil Liberty Dataset
- Democracy/Autocracy Data Set
- Democracy Barometer
- Democracy Cross-National Data
- Democratic Accountability and Citizen-Politician Linkages
- Democratic Diffusion
- Electoral Systems and the Personal Vote
- Global State of Democracy
- Political Regimes of the World
- Polity IV Project: Political Regime Characteristics and Transitions
- Polyarchy Index of Democracy
- State Democracy Index
- Unified Democracy Scores
- Varieties of Democracy
- Administrative Capacities
- Corruption Perceptions Index
- Quality of Government
- Relative Political Capacity Dataset
- State Reach in Africa
- Telecommunications Ownership and Control
- Territorial Self-Governance Dataset
- Worldwide Bureaucracy Indicators
- Worldwide Governance Indicators
- A millennium of macroeconomic data
- Bank for International Settlements
- Barro-Ursua Macroeconomic Data
- Central Bank Governors
- Chinn-Ito Index
- Comparative Income Taxation Database
- Comparative Independent Fiscal Institutions
- COVID-19 Economic Stimulus Index
- Culture of cooperation and inclusive political institutions
- Design of Trade Agreements Database
- Economic Freedom of the World
- Economic Policy Uncertainty Index
- Expanded Trade and GDP Data
- Federico-Tena World Trade Historical Database
- Financial Development and Structure Dataset
- Financial Reform Database
- Financing the State
- Fiscal Crisis Episodes
- Global Debt Database
- Global Earnings Inequality Database
- Global Repository of Income Dynamics
- Global State Revenues and Expenditures
- Gridded global datasets for Gross Domestic Product and Human Development Index
- IMF Programs and World Bank Projects
- Imperial Roots of Global Trade
- International Trade and Production Database for Estimation
- Interwar Debt
- Jordà-Schularick-Taylor Macrohistory Database
- Long-Term Productivity Database
- Maddison Project Database
- National Accounts Main Aggregates Database
- Real effective exchange rates
- Rosés-Wolf database on regional GDP
- Standardized World Income Inequality Database
- Subnational Trade Competitiveness
- Systemic Banking Crises Database
- Total Economy Database
- Union Centralization among Advanced Industrial Societies
- World Economic Outlook
- World Income Inequality Database
- World Wealth and Income Database
- African Elections Database
- Comprehensive European Parliament Electoral Data
- Constituency-Level Elections Archive
- Democratic Electoral Systems
- Danish General Election Results
- Database on Ideology, Money in Politics, and Elections
- Eggers and Spirling British Political Development database
- Electoral Volatility and its internal components in Western Europe
- Electoral Volatility in the European Parliament elections
- European NUTS-Level Election Database
- German Bundestag Election Results at Constituency Level
- Global Elections Database
- Inequality and Direct Democracy: European Referenda
- Inequality and Direct Democracy: International Referenda
- Local Government Dataset
- National Elections Across Democracy and Autocracy
- NCSL Ballot Measures
- Negative Campaigning Comparative Data
- Net Volatility in Western Europe
- ParlGov: Elections
- Partisan Electoral Interventions by the Great-powers
- Perceptions of Electoral Integrity
- Political Conflict and Democracy: Election Campaigns
- Political Parties, Presidents, Elections, and Governments (PPEG)
- Presidential, Senatorial, & Gubernatorial Elections in the U.S. Counties
- Slovak Election Data Project
- Spanish Electoral Archive
- U.S. House Primary Election Results (1956-2010)
- U.S. House Primary Election Results (2012-2018)
- U.S. Polling Places
- UK Election Statistics
- UK House of Commons Election Results at Constituency Level
- US Presidential Elections
- Voter Turnout Database
- Aid Worker Security Database
- AidData
- Alliance Treaty Obligations and Provisions
- Anatomy of Resistance Campaigns
- Armed Group Dataset
- Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project
- Authoritarian Ruling Elites Database
- Border Crossings of the World Dataset
- Certificates of Competency for Nominees to be Chiefs of Mission
- Chance-Corrected Measures of Foreign Policy Similarity
- Change in Source of Leader Support
- Colpus Regime Data
- Commercial Military Actor Database
- Conflict Catalog
- Contemporary Slavery in Armed Conflict
- Correlates of War
- Counter Trafficking Data Collaborative
- Coup D'état Project
- Coups in the World
- Cross-Cutting Cleavage Dataset
- Database on Suicide Attacks
- De Facto States in International Politics
- Deadly Electoral Conflict Dataset
- Disaggregated Military Expenditure
- Displacement Locations
- Domestic Terrorist Victims dataset
- Electoral Contention and Violence
- Forcibly Displaced Populations
- Foreign Fighter Observation Set
- Foundations of Rebel Group Emergence
- Fragile States Index
- From Empire to Nation-State
- Frozen conflicts in world politics
- Gender and Diplomatic Representation
- Geocoded Peacekeeping Operations
- Geopolitical Risk Index
- Gibler-Miller-Little Militarized Interstate Dispute
- Girl Child Soldier Dataset
- Global Terrorism Database
- Global Transitional Justice Dataset
- Government-Sponsored Mass Expulsion
- High Casualty Terrorist Bombings
- Historical Conflict Event Dataset
- Historical terrorist groups
- Historical Varieties of Democracy
- Humanitarian Organisations Dataset
- Ill-Treatment and Torture
- Implementation of Pacts
- International Crisis Behaviors Events
- International Military Intervention
- International Military Training Activities Database-USA
- International Peace Institute Peacekeeping Database
- International Political Economy Data Resource
- International Sanctions Termination
- Interstate War Battle dataset
- Jihadi Plots in Europe Dataset
- Jihadi Plots in the West
- Joint Military Exercises Dataset
- Konstanz One-Sided Violence Event Dataset
- Latent Human Rights Protection Scores
- Leaders’ Willingness to Use Force
- Major Episodes of Political Violence
- Mass Mobilization in Autocracies Database
- Measuring the Impacts of Colonialism
- Memberships in Conventional Intergovernmental Organizations
- Militant Group Electoral Participation Dataset
- Militarized Compellent Threats
- Militarized Interstate Confrontation Dataset
- Militarized Interstate Events
- Military Intervention Project
- Military Mutinies and Defections Database
- Military Purges in Dictatorships
- Minorities at Risk
- Native American Conflict History
- Nonviolent & Violent Campaigns and Outcomes
- Nuclear Production Capabilities Dataset
- Parliamentary Deployment Votes Database
- Peace Accords Matrix Implementation
- Peace Agreement Database
- Peace Negotiations in Civil Conflicts
- Peaceful Resolution of Territorial Disputes
- Peacekeeping and the Peacekept
- PeaceKeeping Operations Corpus
- Police Reforms in Peace Agreements
- Political Apology database
- Political Risk Insurance
- Political Settlements
- Political Terror Scale
- Power-Sharing Event Dataset
- Pro-Government Militias Database
- Quantified Political Relationships
- Rebel Appeals and Incentives Dataset
- Rebel Contraband Dataset
- Rebel Foreign Fighter Dataset
- Rebel Human Rights Violations
- Rebel Organization Leaders Database
- Regular Turnover Details
- Reputation of Terror Groups
- Revolutionary Leaders and Revolutions
- Right-Wing Terrorism and Violence
- Rising Powers Diplomatic Network
- Rulers, Elections, and Irregular Governance
- Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
- Social Conflict Analysis Database
- State Failure Problem Set
- State Fragility Index
- State Security Forces dataset
- Tasks Assigned to Missions in their Mandates
- Temporally Extended, Regular, Reproducible International Event Records
- Terrorist and Insurgent Organization Social Services
- The Affinity of Nations: Similarity of State Voting Positions in the UNGA
- The Cease-Fires Data Set
- The CIRI Human Rights Dataset
- The Dyadic Cyber Incident and Dispute Data
- The Logic of Political Survival
- Threat and Imposition of Sanctions
- UCDP Peacemakers at Risk
- UN Peace Mission Mandates
- UN Targeted Sanctions
- United Nations General Assembly Voting Data
- United Nations Security Council membership
- Uppsala Conflict Data Program
- US global military deployments
- Warring-States Japan Battle Data
- Water-Related Intrastate Conflict and Cooperation
- Women’s Activities in Armed Rebellion
- Women's Participation in NATO Forces and Operations
- Women’s Rights Recommendations Digital Database
- BuzzFeed News “Trending” Strip
- Comparative Agendas Project: Media
- Political Advertisements from Facebook
- Global Media Freedom Dataset
- Media System Freedom
- Newspaper presidential endorsements
- Political TV Ad Archive
- Quotebank: A Corpus of Quotations from a Decade of News
- Snap Political Ads Library
- Wesleyan Media Project: Media Advertising
- World Press Freedom Index
- 3P Anti-trafficking Policy Index
- Abortion Law Database
- Bilateral Labor Agreements Dataset
- Canadian Government Expenditures
- Citizenship Regime Inclusiveness Index
- Citizenship Regime Inclusiveness Index 2.0
- Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset
- Comparative Welfare States Data Set
- Correlates of State Policy
- COVID-19 vaccine policies
- Education Policies and Systems across Modern History
- fRDB-IZA Social Reforms Database
- Global Abortion Policies Database
- Global Visa Cost Dataset
- Government Open Source Software Policies
- Government Revenue Dataset
- Immigration Policies in Comparison
- Infrastructure Database
- Intergovernmental Policy Output Dataset
- Legislative decision-making in the European Union
- Legislative Progression in the American States
- Multiculturalism Policy Index
- Myers Abortion Facility Database
- National Database of Childcare Prices
- Policy complexity in the European Union
- Public Plans Database
- Social Citizenship Indicator Program
- Social Assistance, Politics, and Institutions database
- Social Security Database
- State-by-State Spending on Kids
- State Policy Innovation and Diffusion
- Studying Immigrant Policy One Law at a Time
- Tax Introduction Database
- The European pension politics dataset
- The Regulation of Labor
- Working Time Regulation
- An Automated Database of the European Parliament
- Archigos: A Data Base on Leaders 1875-2004
- Australian Candidate Study
- Career Moves of Former Danish Ministers and Permanent Secretaries
- Comparative Candidates Survey
- Global Leader Ideology
- Global Populism Database
- Leader Experience and Attribute Descriptions
- Political experience of national leaders
- Portuguese Candidates Survey
- Portuguese MPs Survey
- Debates in the Council of the European Union
- EUSpeech
- European Central Bank: Speeches data
- German Political Speeches Corpus and Visualization
- GermaParl Corpus of Parliamentary Protocols
- Hansard Speeches and Sentiment
- MAPLE Parliamentary Datasets
- ParlEE Plenary Speeches
- Parliamentary communication in the German Bundestag
- Parliamentary Speeches in Ireland
- ParlQuestionTime
- parlScot
- ParlSpeech
- ParlSpeech V2
- Swedish parliamentary proceedings
- The UN Security Council Debates
- United Nations General Debate Corpus
- Crowd Counting Consortium Dataset
- European Protest and Coercion Data
- Historical Social Conflict Database
- Lankina Russian Protest-Event Dataset
- Mass Mobilization Protest Data
- Political Conflict and Democracy: Protest Events
- Protest events
- Urban Social Disorder
- Aqueduct
- Climate Action Tracker
- Climate change in the contiguous United States
- Climate Policy Database
- Energy Policy Tracker
- Environmental Performance Index
- Global Oil & Gas Features Database
- Global Power Plant Database
- International Environmental Agreements Database
- TRade & ENvironment Database
- World Database on Protected Areas
- Anti-Refugee Violence and Social Unrest in Germany
- Cohort Fertility and Education Database
- Campaign Finance Law Across the Nation
- Comparative dataset on socio-cultural, political and legal indicators
- Database of Masculine and Feminine Words
- Ethnic Power Relations
- Extended State History Index
- Gender and Religious Bias in the Indian Judiciary
- Global Abortion Incidence Dataset
- Global Dual Citizenship Database
- Government Religious Preference
- Historical Index of Ethnic Fractionalization
- Hong Kong Political Prisoners
- Human Capital Index
- Incarceration Trends Dataset
- KOF Globalization Index
- LocalView Public Meetings Database
- Misinformation Intervention Database
- Missing Migrants Project
- Moral Machine
- Political Conflict and Democracy: Contentious Episodes
- Political Conflict and Democracy: Public Debates
- Private Prisons
- Raw data from online personality tests
- Refugee Resettlement Data
- Regional Authority Index
- Religion Adherence Data
- Serious Nuclear and Radiological Incidents
- Social Capital Atlas
- State Antiquity Index
- State Networks
- World Migration Matrix
- Awesome Public Datasets
- Bank for International Settlements
- Catalog of Administrative Data Sets
- Charles Stewart's Congressional Data Page
- Data Is Plural — Structured Archive (hundreds of datasets, political and non-political)
- Data Resources for Studies in Comparative Politics
- Datasets and open source projects related to Climate Change
- Datasets for development economists
- Datasets for empirical development economists
- Datasets with text data for use in Natural Language Processing
- Economic Data freely available online
- Economic databases
- European Representative Democracy Data Archive
- Google Dataset Search
- Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
- International IDEA
- International Monetary Fund
- Investor Amnesia: Historical Data Library
- Large datasets for social science, genomics and medicine
- Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research: Online Databases
- Medieval and Early Modern Data Bank
- MIT Election Data and Science Lab
- Open datasets
- Oxford Supertracker: The Global Directory for COVID Policy Trackers
- Oxford Supertracker: The Global Directory for COVID Surveys
- Paul Hensel's International Relations Data Site
- Political Science Data
- Team Populism
- Quantitative Social Science Data
For help and dataset suggestions, thanks to Daniel Bischof, Jon H. Fiva, Martijn Schoonvelde, Shiro Kuriwaki, Niclas Darville, Alexey Gridnev, Anne-Kathrin Kreft, Feodor Snagovsky, Joe Noonan, Michael Strebel, Felix Haass, Simon Straubinger, Bjørn Høyland and Agnar Freyr Helgason.