Naticord is a native Discord client made using C# with Windows Forms.
There are two ways to build Naticord: the Easy Route or the Command-Line Route.
- Open Visual Studio 2022.
- Launch the solution.
- Allow Visual Studio to automatically install all the required NuGet packages.
- From the top menu, select Build and click on Build Solution.
- You can find your build at:
for a Debug build{naticordDir}\Naticord\bin\Release\Naticord.exe
for a Release build
This method requires Visual Studio 2022 to be installed.
- Open CMD (Command Prompt).
- Clone the Naticord repository using git or GitHub Desktop.
- Change directory into the Naticord folder:
cd naticord
- Run the following command to restore all packages
nuget restore Naticord\Naticord.sln
- Run the command to generate a debug build
msbuild Naticord/Naticord.sln -t:rebuild -property:Configuration=Debug
- For a release build, replace
- For a release build, replace
- You can find your build at:
for a Debug build{naticordDir}\Naticord\bin\Release\Naticord.exe
for a Release build
- Logging in via email and password
(incl, 2FA)(2FA is broken for now) - Friends / Groups / Servers
- Searching functionality
- Blocking people, leaving groups and unfriending people
- File uploading (Does not bypass Discord's limit)
- Typing indicators
- Messaging
- Embeds
- Plugins
- Pings
- Voice chat
- This may be implemented very soon, thanks to Aerovoice!
- Markdown
- Should be very soon due to labels having the option to use HTML-like formatting.
- Edit reply and delete.
- Will be very soon! It really will!
- Blocking people, leaving groups and unfriending people (with the new friends / servers list)
- This will be somewhere in the future, but not really needed.
- Image viewing in client (with native chat box)
- This is not planned, but it may come eventually. Instead there is a "View Image" link for now.
- When starting the WebSocket / the WebSocket starts to reconnect it will cause a memory spike and go up to 280MB and go back down to 80MB, the reason for this is unknown and will most likely not be fixed.
- jukfiuune: Original source of Naticord (Aerocord) and alot of help!