simon and speck are lightweight block cipher algorithms, published by NSA.(iadgov/simon-speck)
this is one reference implementation example by C language.
support platforms are linux, iOS, Android ndk, macOS and Windows.
- algorithms and block sizes, key sizes
- speck
- 128/128
- 128/192
- 128/256
- speck
- block cipher mode
- platforms, architectures
- linux
- x86_64(enable AVX2)
- arm(enable NEON)
- aarch64(enable NEON)
- iOS
- armv7(enable NEON)
- armv7s(enable NEON)
- arm64(enable NEON)
- x86 (simulator)
- x86_64 (simulator)
- android
- armeabi
- armeabi-v7a(enable NEON)
- x86
- x86_64
- arm64-v8a(enable NEON)
- macOS
- x86_64(enable AVX2)
- windows
- x86
- x86_64(enable AVX2)
- linux
#include <speck/speck.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <random>
int main() {
uint8_t key[16]; // when use 128/192, key size is 24. when use 128/256, key size is 32.
uint8_t original_iv[16];
uint8_t plain_text[16];
uint8_t crypted_text[16];
uint8_t decrypted_text[16];
// generate key and iv
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis;
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(key); i++) {
key[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(dis(gen));
for(int i=0; i<sizeof(original_iv); i++) {
original_iv[i] = static_cast<uint8_t>(dis(gen));
snprintf(reinterpret_cast<char *>(plain_text), sizeof(plain_text), "hello world!!!!");
speck_ctx_t *ctx = speck_init(SPECK_ENCRYPT_TYPE_128_128, key, sizeof(key));
// ECB test
speck_ecb_encrypt(ctx, plain_text, crypted_text, sizeof(plain_text));
speck_ecb_decrypt(ctx, crypted_text, decrypted_text, sizeof(crypted_text));
printf("speck 128/128 ecb\n");
printf(" plain: %s\n", plain_text);
printf(" decrypted: %s\n", decrypted_text);
// CTR test
uint8_t iv[16];
memcpy(iv, original_iv, sizeof(iv));
speck_ctr_encrypt(ctx, plain_text, crypted_text, sizeof(plain_text), iv, sizeof(iv));
memcpy(iv, original_iv, sizeof(iv));
speck_ctr_decrypt(ctx, crypted_text, decrypted_text, sizeof(crypted_text), iv, sizeof(iv));
printf("speck 128/128 ctr\n");
printf(" plain: %s\n", plain_text);
printf(" decrypted: %s\n", decrypted_text);
- cmake 3.7 higher
- linux
- gcc
- iOS & macOS
- xcode
- android
- Android NDK r10e higher
- windows
- Visual Studio 2015 higher
on macOS or Linux.
rm -rf build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake --build . --clean-first
shared library is outputted to libs/linux
fat library(simulator, device) is outputted to libs/ios
shared librares of each architectures are outputted to libs/android
bundle file is outputted to libs/mac
dll library is outputted to libs/windows
example enable avx2 benchmark on macOS or Linux.
rm -rf build
mkdir build
pushd build
cmake --build . --clean-first
ctest .
./test/speck/speck128128/speck128128benchmark [test byte length] [test count]
# e.g.: test encrypt 8096 byte data by speck and speck ctr 128/128 at 50 times.
./test/speck/speck128128/speck128128benchmark 8096 50