This repository contains the code for the paper Interpretable Prediction of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Recurrence With Self-supervised Learning.
In this study, we explore the morphological features of LSCC recurrence and metastasis with novel SSL method, based on conditional SSL. We propose a sampling mechanism within contrastive SSL framework for histopathology images that avoids overfitting to batch effects.
The 2D UMAP projection of tile representations, trained by different sampling
in self-supervised learning. Tiles from 8 slides with mostly LSCC tumor content
are highlighted with different colors. Left: model trained by MoCo contrastive
learning with uniform sampling. It shows that tiles within each slide cluster
together. Right: model trained with proposed conditional contrastive learning.
The tiles from each slide are less clustered together.
The Kaplan-Meier curves shows rates of recurrence-free patients over time in sub-cohorts of test set with different criterion. Two sub-cohorts stratified with the predicted recurrence risk by our Cox regression. The high risk cohort includes the top half patients of highest estimated risks; the low risk cohort includes the lower half.
Download the TCGA-LUSC whole slide image from this filter.
Download the TCGA-LSCC whole slide image from here.
To preprocess the WSIs, run the code in preprocessing folder.
python --followup_path {followup_table} --wsi_path {directory_of_WSIs} --refer_img {color_norm_img} --s {proportion_of_tissue}
python --followup_path {followup_table} --wsi_path {directory_of_WSIs} --refer_img {color_norm_img} --s {proportion_of_tissue}
Run the command to train the Inception V4 with conditional SSL on two-layer sampling.
torchrun --data_dir {data_dir} --split_dir {annotation_dir} --batch_slide_num {number of slides in batch} --cos --out_dir {output_dir}
Pretrained weight can be downloaded here.
To extract features, we first extract the tile representations with SSL pretrained Inception V4.
python --feature_extractor_dir {checkpoint of pretrained feature extractor} --subtype_model_dir {subtype model} --root_dir {tiles directory} --split_dir {annotation files} --out_dir {output directory}
Then we fit the clusters of the tile reprenstations in the training data, and assign the clusters to tiles in the validation and test set. After clustering each tile, we aggregate tile probabilities with average pooling on clusters to generate the slide-level features. Run the following commends:
python --data_dir {data_dir} --cluster_type {method_of_clustering} --n_cluster {number_of_clusters} --out_dir {out_dir}
We run the Cox-PH regression on the extracted slide-level features and the time and status of recurrence.
The triplet of features and
slide labels
python --data_dir {data_dir} --cluster_name {cluster_model_checkpoint} --noramlize {pooling_method_over_slides}
@misc{, doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2203.12204}, url = {}, author = {Zhu, Weicheng and Fernandez-Granda, Carlos and Razavian, Narges}, keywords = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (cs.CV), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences}, title = {Interpretable Prediction of Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Recurrence With Self-supervised Learning}, publisher = {arXiv}, year = {2022}, copyright = { perpetual, non-exclusive license} }