Substantially refactored for
- Better performance, particularly for native Turing Tensor Cores
- Robust and durable templates spanning the design space
- Encapsulated functionality embodying modern C++11 programming techniques
- Optimized containers and data types for efficient, generic, portable device code
Updates to:
- Quick start guide
- Documentation
- Utilities
- CUTLASS Profiler
Native Turing Tensor Cores
- Efficient GEMM kernels targeting Turing Tensor Cores
- Mixed-precision floating point, 8-bit integer, 4-bit integer, and binarized operands
Coverage of existing CUTLASS functionality
- GEMM kernels targeting CUDA and Tensor Cores in NVIDIA GPUs
- Volta Tensor Cores through native mma.sync and through WMMA API
- Optimizations such as parallel reductions, threadblock rasterization, and intra-threadblock reductions
- Batched GEMM operations
- Complex-valued GEMMs
Note: a host compiler supporting C++11 or greater is required.