Apache httpd setup
apache httpd and apache modules management
- installs httpd package
- optionally, manages httpd service
- puppet managed directories (purges unmanaged files):
- ${apache_confdir}/conf.d
- ${apache_confdir}/conf.d/sites
- ${apache_confdir}/ssl
Basic setup:
class { 'apache': }
apache::vhost {'default':
documentroot => '/var/www/void',
apache::vhost {'et2blog':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
In this section we have several usage examples, most were used to test module's features or acceptance testing checks (spec/acceptance/base*_spec.rb)
apache::vhost {'testing.lol':
order => '77',
serveradmin => 'root@lolcathost.lol',
serveralias => [ '1.testing.lol', '2.testing.lol' ],
documentroot => '/var/www/testing/',
options => [ 'Indexes', 'FollowSymLinks', 'MultiViews' ],
rewrites => [
'RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^testing\.lol',
'RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://www\.testing\.lol/$1 [R=301,L]'
aliasmatch => { 'RUC/lol' => '/var/www/testing/hc.php',
'(.*)' => '/var/www/testing/cc.php'},
scriptalias => { '/cgi-bin/' => '"/var/www/testing/cgi-bin/"' },
directoryindex => [ 'index.php', 'lolindex.php', 'lol.html' ],
apache::directory {'testing.lol':
vhost_order => '77',
directory => '/var/www/testing/cgi-bin/',
options => [ '+ExecCGI', '-Includes' ],
allowoverride => 'None',
apache::vhost {'et2blog':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
apache::redirect { 'et2blog':
path => '/',
url => 'http://systemadmin.es/',
class { 'apache::mod::proxy': }
class { 'apache::mod::proxyajp': }
class { 'apache::mod::proxybalancer': }
apache::mod::proxy::balancer { 'test':
members => { 'ajp://app1.example.com:8009' => undef,
'ajp://app2.example.com:8009' => undef,
apache::mod::proxy::proxypass { '/lol':
destination => 'balancer://test',
servername => 'et2blog',
we can add custom log formats using logformats hash, for example:
class { 'apache':
server_admin=> 'webmaster@localhost',
maxclients=> '150',
logformats => {
'vhost_combined' =>
'%v:%p %h %l %u %t \\"%r\\" %>s %O \\"%{Referer}i\\" \\"%{User-Agent}i\\"'
apache::module { 'asis_module':
sofile => 'modules/mod_asis.so',
apache::vhost {'default':
defaultvh => true,
documentroot => '/var/www/void',
apache::vhost {'et2blog':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
apache::serverstatus {'et2blog':}
apache::vhost {'systemadmin.es':
order => '10',
port => '81',
documentroot => '/var/www/systemadmin',
apache::serverstatus {'systemadmin.es':
order => '10',
port => '81',
allowedip => ['','','','127.','::1'],
class { 'apache': }
apache::vhost {'default':
documentroot => '/var/www/void',
class { 'apache::mod::php': }
apache::addtype { '.sinep':
mediatype => 'application/sinep',
- apache
- 80
- 443
apache::ssl: true
cert_source: puppet:///customers/systemadmin/star_systemadmin_net.crt
pk_source: puppet:///customers/systemadmin/star_systemadmin_net.key
intermediate_source: puppet:///customers/systemadmin/star_systemadmin_net.intermediate
documentroot: /var/www/systemadmin
documentroot: /var/www/systemadmin
port: 443
certname: systemadmin
If we don't have a intermediate certificate, we can disable it using use_intermediate (intended for testing only)
apache::vhost {'et2blog_ssl':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
port => 443,
certname => 'cert_et2blog_ssl',
use_intermediate => false,
apache::vhost {'et2blog':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
hsts => true,
hsts_include_subdomains => true,
# vhost for ZnVja3RoYXRiaXRjaAo.com
apache::vhost {'ZnVja3RoYXRiaXRjaAo.com':
port => '443',
documentroot => '/var/www/void',
# generate CSR
apache::nss::csr { 'test2':
cn => 'ZnVja3RoYXRiaXRjaAo.com',
organization => 'systemadmin.es',
organization_unit => 'shitty apache modules team',
locality => 'barcelona',
state => 'barcelona',
country => 'RC', # Republica Catalana
# import intermediate
apache::nss::intermediate { 'intermediate':
intermediate_source => 'puppet:///certs/intermediate.crt',
# import actual certificate
apache::nss::cert { 'ZnVja3RoYXRiaXRjaAo':
intermediate_source => 'puppet:///certs/cert.crt',
# enable mod_nss for this vhost
apache::nss {'ZnVja3RoYXRiaXRjaAo.com':
port => '443',
every vhost created using this module have an alternative vhost to disable it (HTTP 503)
to enable or disable the sorry page for a given site we just need to flip site_running
apache::vhost {'systemadmin.es':
order => '10',
port => '81',
documentroot => '/var/www/systemadmin',
site_running => false,
custom_sorrypage hash must contain both variables (path and errordocument)
apache::vhost {'systemadmin.es':
order => '10',
port => '81',
documentroot => '/var/www/systemadmin',
custom_sorrypage => { 'path': '/var/www/systemadmin/maintenance',
'errordocument': 'maintenance.html',
apache::include_conf { '/etc:
files => [ 'demo.conf' ],
apache::vhost {'et2blog':
documentroot => '/var/www/et2blog',
apache::header { 'et2blog':
header_name => 'X-Joke',
header_value => 'no hay MAC que por ARP no venga',
condition => 'always',
this adds the following directive:
Header onsuccess set X-Joke "no hay MAC que por ARP no venga"
- apache
- apache::mod::expires
- apache::mod::proxy
- apache::mod::proxybalancer
- apache::mod::proxyajp
- 7790
defaultvh: true
documentroot: /var/www/void
port: 7790
documentroot: /var/www/void
port: 7790
'ajp://': undef
'ajp://': undef
destination: 'balancer://pspstores'
servername: pspstores.systemadmin.es
port: 7790
destination: '!'
servername: pspstores.systemadmin.es
port: 7790
destination: '!'
servername: pspstores.systemadmin.es
port: 7790
apache::vhost {'systemadmin.es':
order => '10',
port => '81',
documentroot => '/var/www/systemadmin',
custom_sorrypage => { 'path': '/var/www/systemadmin/maintenance',
'errordocument': 'maintenance.html',
'healthcheck': 'healthcheck/healthcheck.html',
class {'apache::fcgi':
fcgihost => '',
- eyp_apache_gcc: get gcc version
- eyp_apache_make: get make version
- eyp_apache_opensslver: get openssl version
- eypapache::monitips: IP list to be allowed by default in the default vhost. Used in apache::serverstatus as a default list of allowd IPs
- eypapache::pfs: enable Perfect Fordward Secrecy (PFS) - it changed default ciphers to use ECC
private classes:
- apache::params: apache default values
- apache::service: apache service
- apache::version: detect distro's apache version
apache variables:
- operational variables:
- manage_service = true,
- manage_docker_service = false,
- purge_logrotate: Purge package's related logrotate configuration (default: true)
- compress_logs_mtime: compress log files after this value (for example: +3, default: undef)
- delete_logs_mtime: delete log files after this value (for example: +3, default: undef)
- distro related variables:
- version = $apache::version::default,
- apache_username = $apache::params::apache_username,
- apache_group = $apache::params::apache_group,
- logdir = $apache::params::logdir,
- general options:
- mpm = $apache::params::mpm_default,
- servertokens = $apache::params::servertokens_default,
- timeout = $apache::params::timeout_default,
- keepalive = $apache::params::keepalive_default,
- keepalivetimeout = $apache::params::keepalivetimeout_default,
- maxkeepalivereq = $apache::params::maxkeepalivereq_default,
- extendedstatus = $apache::params::extendedstatus_default,
- serversignature = $apache::params::serversignature_default,
- listen = [ '80' ],
- namevirtualhosts = undef,
- ssl = false,
- sni = true,
- trace = false,
- server_admin = $apache::params::server_admin_default,
- directoty_index = [ 'index.html' ],
- maxclients = $apache::params::maxclients_default,
- maxrequestsperchild = $apache::params::maxrequestsperchild_default,
- customlog_type = $apache::params::customlog_type_default,
- logformats = undef,
- add_defult_logformats = true,
- server_name = $apache::params::server_name_default,
- ssl_compression = $apache::params::ssl_compression_default,
- ssl_protocol = $apache::params::ssl_protocol_default,
- ssl_chiphersuite = $apache::params::ssl_chiphersuite_default,
- defaultcharset = 'UTF-8',
- loglevel_errorlog = 'warn',
- usecanonicalname = false,
- default_documentroot = '/var/www/html',
- accessfilename = '.htaccess',
- hostnamelookups = false,
- startservers = 8,
- minspareservers = 5,
- maxspareservers = 20,
installs mod_fastcgi
- srcdir: (default: /usr/local/src)
- handler_name: (default: resource's name)
- fcgihost: (default:
- fcgiport: (default: 9000)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- expires_active: true/false (default: true)
- default_expire: default expire policy (default: access plus 1 year)
WARNING Only works on Ubuntu 14.04
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- ensure: installed/purged (default: installed)
- randomseed: Array to configure a set of sources to seed the PRNG of the SSL library. (default: builtin)
NSSRandomSeed startup builtin
NSSRandomSeed startup file:/dev/random 512
NSSRandomSeed startup file:/dev/urandom 512
- pk_source: private key certificate source, incompatible with pk_file
- pk_file: private key certificate file path, file is already present on the fs. incompatible with pk_source - intended for testing only
- cert_source: cert certificate source, incompatible with cert_file
- cert_file: cert certificate file path, file is already present on the fs. incompatible with cert_source - intended for testing only
- intermediate_source: intermediate certificate source
- certname: cert name (default: resource's name)
- version: optional, cert version (to be able to keep several versions)
- source: file to deploy
- filename: file to be deployed (default: resource's name)
file will be deployed in this path: ${apache::params::baseconf}/conf.d/${filename}.conf
- order: order of the vhost where we want to deploy the directory (default: 00)
- port: port of the vhost where we want to deploy the directory (default: 80)
- servername: servername on which we want to deploy the directory (default: resource's name)
- directory: directory to define (mandatory)
- allowedip: allow a given set of IPs to this directory (default: undef)
- denyip: deny a given set of IPs to this directory (default: undef)
- options: directory options (default: [ 'FollowSymlinks' ])
- allowoverride: allow override (default: None)
- sofile: file to load
- modname: module name (default: resource's name)
- order: just in case it's relevant
- order: order of the vhost where we want to deploy the server-status (default: 00)
- port: port of the vhost where we want to deploy the server-status (default: 80)
- serverstatus_url: server-status URL (default: /server-status)
- servername: servername on which we want to deploy the server-status
- allowedip: (default: eypapache::monitips)
- defaultvh: Defines whether this server-status is intended to be used in the default vhost or not (default: false)
- url: destinarion URL
- path: path to redirect,
- status: redirect type (default: permanent)
- match: whether use RedirectMatch or nor (default: undef)
- order: order of the vhost where we want to deploy the redirect (default: 00)
- port: port of the vhost where we want to deploy the redirect (default: 80)
- servername: servername on which we want to deploy the redirect
apache::redirect { 'et2blog':
path => '/',
url => 'http://systemadmin.es/',
- documentroot: DocumentRoot
- order: Order (default: 00)
- port: Listen port (default: 80)
- use_intermediate: (default: true)
- certname_version:
- directoryindex: (default: [ 'index.php', 'index.html', 'index.htm' ])
- defaultvh: Only for default virtual host (default: false)
- defaultvh_ss: Enable or disable default virtual host server status (default: true)
- servername: ServerName (default: $name)
- serveralias: ServerAlias array (default: undef)
- allowedip: Allowed ip for DocumentRoot (default: undef)
- deniedip: Denied ip for DocumentRoot (default: undef)
- rewrites: Rewrites list (default: undef)
- rewrites_source: (default: undef)
- certname: (default: undef)
- serveradmin: ServerAdmin (default: undef)
- aliasmatch: AliasMatch hash (default: undef)
- scriptalias: ScriptAlias hash (default: undef)
- options: Options for DocumentRoot directory (default: [ 'FollowSymlinks' ])
- allowoverride: AllowOverride (default: None)
- aliases: Alias hash (default: undef)
- add_default_logs: Add default logging (default: true)
- site_running: Define if site should be running (true) or sorrypage should be shown (false) (default: true)
- custom_sorrypage: Define a custom sorry page. A hash with 'path' (where sorrypage document is stored) and 'errordocument' (document to load as sorry page) must be provided. If the vhost is load balanced and needs to serve a healthcheck page we can exclude it from 503 adding it to the key 'healthcheck'. (see Usage documentation) (default: undef)
- documentroot_owner: documentroot's owner (default: root)
- documentroot_group: documentroot's owner (default: group)
- documentroot_mode: documentroot's mode (default: 0755)
Tested on:
- CentOS 6
- CentOS 7
- Ubuntu 16.04
- Ubuntu 18.04
We are pushing to have acceptance testing in place, so any new feature should have some test to check both presence and absence of any feature
- Fork it
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b my-new-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -am 'Added some feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin my-new-feature
) - Create new Pull Request