Mini Gradient is a GUI application built with PyQt5 that allows users to apply linear gradients to multiple PNG images. Users can select gradient colors, adjust image resolution, and save the modified images in a specified output folder.
Select multiple PNG images for processing.
Choose two colors for the gradient using RGB input or color picker.
Set the image resolution to original or custom dimensions.
Display a progress bar showing the processing progress.
Save processed images in the output folder with their original names.
Reset the GUI after the operation completes.
- Python 3.x
- PyQt5
- Pillow (PIL)
You can install the required libraries using pip:
pip install PyQt5 Pillow
Clone the repository:
git clone cd MiniGradient
Run the application:
python Mini
Use the GUI to:
- Select PNG images.
- Pick gradient colors.
- Choose the output folder.
- Apply the gradient and save the images.
Ensure you have the icons required for the application in an icons
folder in the same directory as the script.
This project is licensed under the Appache License - see the LICENSE file for details.
- Thanks to the contributors and libraries that made this project possible.