Prevent Windows from BSODing no matter what happens!
Using this is the equivalent of disabling the circuit breaker in your house. Windows BSODs whenever a serious problem occurs to prevent memory/data corruption. Although your computer won't blow up you could corrupt memory/data present on the system. This was done only for fun and should not be used for any serious purposes. I am not responsible for loss of any data or damage to the system.
- Enable test signing
bcdedit /set testsigning on
- Create a service using SC
sc create NoMoreBugCheck binPath=C:\where\ever\the\driver\is\NoMoreBugCheck.sys type=kernel start=manual
- Run it!
sc start NoMoreBugCheck
- If you want to revert the changes just unload the driver by running
sc stop NoMoreBugCheck
- The system can hang if the problem was severe.