Simple recipe for installing Radiance
- need to convert this over to using Git and pull from github releaes
- update ark to support cmake workflow (symlink binaries)
- update cmake to remove need for x11, qt, and outdated binaries
fix pabopto2rad (remove lineDone.sed -i 's/INSTALL(TARGETS pabopto2rad pabopto2bsdf)//' /tmp/radiance_build/ray/src/cv/CMakeLists.txt
)- need to better handle versioning (stuck at 4.2.a in a non-unique directory)
- LWRP for installation including update/remove
- general application testing
- testing on centos
host support files somewhere else (github?) [these are taking too long to download](Set BUILD_TESTING=OFF, not needed for headless operation
Author:: Nicholas Long (