A framework that generates a view controller to set all the available parameters in Yourbora.
Insert into your Podfile
pod 'YouboraConfigUtils'
and then run
pod install
Insert into your Cartfile
git "https://bitbucket.org/npaw/configutil-plugin-ios.git"
and then run
carthage update
when update complete goes to {YOUR_SCHEME} > Build Settings > Framework Search Paths and add $(PROJECT_DIR)/Carthage/Build/{iOS, Mac, tvOS or the platform of your scheme}
import YouboraConfigUtils
#import <YouboraConfigUtils/YouboraConfigUtils-Swift.h>
If you wanna an animation when YouboraConfigViewController close you should initialize this way, this flag is only available for iOS, tvOS and macOS don't support it
YouboraConfigViewController.initFromXIB(animatedNavigation: true)
[YouboraConfigViewController initFromXIBWithAnimatedNavigation:true];
You can use the UINavigationController to navigate or case there's no UINavigationController you can present it modally, the YouboraConfigViewController will adapt for both cases
guard let navigationController = self.navigationController else {
self.present(YouboraConfigViewController.initFromXIB(animatedNavigation: true), animated: true, completion: nil)
navigationController.show(YouboraConfigViewController.initFromXIB(), sender: nil)
if (self.navigationController) {
[self.navigationController showViewController:[YouboraConfigViewController initFromXIB] sender:nil];
} else {
[self presentViewController:[YouboraConfigViewController initFromXIBWithAnimatedNavigation:true] animated:true completion:nil];
guard let navigationController = self.navigationController else {
self.present(YouboraConfigViewController.initFromXIB(), animated: true, completion: nil)
navigationController.show(YouboraConfigViewController.initFromXIB(), sender: nil)
if (self.navigationController) {
[self.navigationController showViewController:[YouboraConfigViewController initFromXIB] sender:nil];
} else {
[self presentViewController:[YouboraConfigViewController initFromXIB] animated:true completion:nil];
[YouboraConfigManager getOptions];
Navigate to the root folder and then execute:
pod install
- Now you have to go to your target > General > Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content and change the frameworks that you are using in cocoapods from Embed & Sign to Do Not Embed
Navigate to the root folder and then execute:
carthage update
For more information you can check the examples in the folder ./Example/iOS for swift and for obj-c ./Example/iOS-Objc