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A web service that interfaces with py_gnome

Installing / Running

webgnomeapi is a python package. To run it you need to install the dependencies, install the package, then run it:


The webgnomeAPI is pretty worthless without py_gnome, and py_gnome is easiest to get going with conda and conda-forge.


If you are using a conda based system you can install all of the dependencies with conda. This requires the conda-forge channel):

conda config --add channels conda-forge

(You probably already did that for py_gnome)

Install the requirements:

conda install --file conda_requirements.txt


In theory, you can install everything webgnomeapi needs with pip, except py_gnome and its dependencies. You can give that a try with:

pip install -r conda_requirements.txt

To run the API, you also need a redis server. If you have one installed from a another source, that will work fine. If not, then you can use conda to get it:

conda install redis-server

(or uncomment that line in the conda_requirements.txt file)

Installing the server

Installing the server from code can be done the usual way for a python package:

pip install ./

for a "normal" install, or:

pip install -e ./

for an "editable" install

Testing the Server

In order to run webgnomeapi, you need a redis server running first. redis can be installed with conda on the Mac, or, on Linux, with the system package manager.

Windows: Installing redis on Windows can be a bit of a challenge. We have had success with these binaries:

Reboot after installing the binaries in order to get redis running in the background.

Once installed, you should be able to run a redis server with:


Once redis is running, you should be able to run the tests with:

pytest webgnome_api/tests

Running the Server

First start up a Redis server with:


webgnomeapi is a Pyramid application that can be run with the paste uwsgi server:

pserve config-example.ini

That will start up the server, and it will be available on:


That's set in the config-example.ini:

use = egg:webgnome_api#srv
host = localhost
port = 9899

Deployment Issues


Even after configuring apache’s mod_proxy websocket tunnel as others online have reported working, I was unable to make a websocket connection.

Server logs reported something that seemed like the gevent server was assuming a socket was created and initialized before it actually was, as though upgrade requests were not getting through. More investigation is needed.

This issue coupled with the requirement of https means that the python server itself needs to handle the ssl encryption and be given direct access to the web through a port of ip of it's own.


Due to the fact that we're using version 0.9 of the package running the application under a directory (such as does not work. It will assume still and there is no way to adjust this without modifying the library.

In addition if the client is running on a port for some reason, localhost:8080 for example. It will project this port on to its destination server, will become The current solution to this last bit is to always provide a port to the client's configuration even if it's redundant ...

Until we upgrade gevent we're stuck with 0.9 and this issue.

Development Notes


The webgnomeapi depends on the libgoods pacakge, which is under active development at the same time.

So you need to clone and install the libgoods package, and keep it up to date with the same branch.

Ignore submodules for now!

If we do ever use a submodule, here's some info on that:

To make this a bit easier, we've added libgoods as a git "submodule".


However, you still need to keep the libgood submodule up to date as you work.

Initial Clone

When you first clone the webgnomeapi repo, you get a dir for the libgood submodule, but not the actual code.

NOTE: As with all things git -- there are multipel ways to ackomlish all this, but I think this is the most straightforward.

To get the actual code, you must run two commands: git submodule init to initialize your local configuration file, and git submodule update to fetch all the data from that project and check out the appropriate commit listed in your superproject.

$ git submodule init
Submodule 'libgoods' ( registered for path 'libgoods'

$ git submodule update
Cloning into '/Users/chris.barker/Junk/webgnomeapi/libgoods'...
warning: redirecting to
Submodule path 'libgoods': checked out 'a11d8cb43a9ac6836855f2f1455c94b21d5d707b'

You now should have the libgoods repo:

$ ls libgoods/
CHANGES.txt            conda_requirements.txt
LICENSE.txt            libgoods
README.rst             setup.cfg

You can go into that repo, and install the package in editable (develop) mode:

$ pip install -e ./
Obtaining file:///Users/chris.barker/Junk/webgnomeapi/libgoods
  Preparing metadata ( ... done
Installing collected packages: libgoods
  Attempting uninstall: libgoods
    Found existing installation: libgoods 0.0.1
    Uninstalling libgoods-0.0.1:
      Successfully uninstalled libgoods-0.0.1
  Running develop for libgoods
Successfully installed libgoods-0.0.1

And away we go!

Updating the submodule

This is key -- as libgoods is under active development, we will need to keep updating it. Whenever you think (or know) that libgoods has changed, you will want to update the submodule with:

git submodule update --remote

warning: redirecting to
 * [new branch]      develop    -> origin/develop

NOTE: we should have this repo configured so that you get the right branch of the libgoods submodule, but we'll need to make sure. e.g. if the webgnomeapi repo is on the develop branch, it should pull the develop branch from libgoods as well.

NOTE2: It seems, at least by dewfault, that the submodule is checkout in in "detached HEAD" mode. So you do not want to make changes to libgoods directly in that module, but rather, make any changes in the libgoods repo itself, push them, and then run git submodule update --remote.


The API service that interfaces with py_gnome






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