Releases: NOAA-EMC/NCEPLIBS-bufr
Version 12.2.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 12.2.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
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New This Release
- Removed subprograms ufbin3 and nevn from the library. These subprograms had previously been used to support the processing of NCEP prepfits files, which are now obsolete (see #601)
- Added capability to encode Table C marker operators within BUFR messages (see #611)
- Eliminated duplication when generating internal replication sequences from master tables (see #612)
- Fixed a bug which occurred in certain situations when encoding multiple delayed replication factors within subroutine drfini (see #623)
- Upgraded debufr utility to handle BUFR messages up to 7.5Mb in size (see #630)
For full details please see the Release Notes
Version 12.1.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 12.1.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
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New This Release
- Added support for IntelLLVM (OneAPI) compilers (see #538)
- Added logic to optimize decoding for the majority of data values which are encoded in 32 bits or less (see #534, #543)
- Increased length limits for master table directory and filenames (see #533)
- Fixed some build issues related to Python interoperability (see #230, #231, #520, #537)
- Fixed a bug to ensure that any user input data values of NaN are encoded as "missing" in BUFR (see #550)
- Modified the ufdump subroutine to print subset data values to their true scale precision, so that values with a non-positive scale factor will now display as integers, including when printed via the debufr utility (see #513)
- Added a new print verbosity level of 3 which can be activated when calling subroutine openbf with IO='QUIET' (see #567)
- Added apxdx to project as new utility (see #585)
- Fixed a bug in subroutine rewnbf to ensure that it points to the correct subset in a BUFR message after a restore call (see #599)
For full details please see the Release Notes
Version 12.0.1
We are pleased to announce the release of version 12.0.1 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
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New This Release
- An extension was added to support the query interface for C++ IODA converters (see #519).
For full details please see the Release Notes
Version 12.0.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 12.0.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
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New This Release
- The library has been consolidated into a single build using 4-byte integers. It can still be linked to Fortran application codes which are compiled using 8-byte integers; however, such codes must now include a call to new subroutine setim8b with a value of .true. before making any calls to any other library routines. Furthermore, since all library functions which return integer values (e.g. iupbs01, isetprm, ibfms) will now return 4-byte integer values, Fortran application codes which are compiled using 8-byte integers must now also explicitly declare such functions as 4-byte integers before calling them (see #78).
- The interface between the C and Fortran components of the library has been modernized. Accordingly, Fortran application codes must now contain a 'use bufr_interface' statement to directly call any C functions within the library, and C application codes must now contain an '#include "bufr_interface.h"' statement to directly call any Fortran or C functions within the library (see #79).
- Subroutines ufbqcd and ufbqcp have been modified to pass call arguments containing event program codes as integers, rather than continuing to pass them as real numbers (see #78).
For full details please see the Release Notes
Version 11.7.1
We are pleased to announce the release of version 11.7.1 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
Get the release here:
New This Release
- More extensions were added to support the query interface for C++ IODA converters (see #225).
- Several internal routines were modified to allow the encoding and decoding of values larger than 32 bits (see #195).
For full details please see the Release Notes
Version 11.7.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 11.7.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
Get the release here:
New This Release
- Extensions were added to support a new query interface for C++ IODA converters (see #198)
- Updates and bug fixes were made to several utility programs within the library package (see #141)
For full details please see the Release Notes.
Version 11.6.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 11.6.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
Get the release here:
New This Release
- All of the library builds now use dynamic allocation, so the "_DA" suffix has been removed from the names of the builds (see #77).
- The default BUFR master table version number for output BUFR messages has been changed from 29 to 36 (see #142).
- In accordance with updated guidance from WMO, all fields within all BUFR master table files are now restricted to the CCITTIA5 character set (see #140).
- New functionality, test cases, and utility programs have been added (see #170, #164, #174, #111).
For full details please see the Release Notes.
Version 11.5.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 11.5.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains subroutines, functions and other utilities that can be used to read (decode) and write (encode) data in BUFR, which is a WMO standard format for the exchange of meteorological data.
Get the release here:
New This Release
- Updated for compatibility with GNU v10+ compilers.
- Added MASTER_TABLE_DIR macro to build options.
- Added functionality and test cases.
For full details please see the Release Notes.
Version 11.4.0
We are pleased to announce the release of version 11.4.0 of NCEPLIBS-bufr.
NCEPLIBS-bufr contains Fortran programs and command line utilites for working with the BUFR format.
Get the release here:
##New This Release
- Unit tests have been added.
- Update bufr remote url.
Consistent NCEPLIBS umbrella build with fix for DA
Merge pull request #10 from mark-a-potts/DA-closbuf-fix DA closbuf fix