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An integrated framework for DWI Image QC and processing


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DTI Playground

DTI Playground is python based NIRAL pipeline software including DMRIPrep (dmriprep), DMRIAtlas (dmriatlas)


For detailed information about installation and usage, please go here: Documentation


Python3.8 or conda environment is required

User needs to set path of python2 like below


$ ln -s /usr/bin/python2.7 /usr/bin/python2

Using PIP

Python 3.8.6 or above is required (Python 3.8.6 ~ 3.9.x preferred)

$ pip install dtiplayground
$ dmriplaygroundlab

For the legacy native application

$ pip install dtiplayground-native

It will automatically install dtiplayground module as well if there is no pre installed dtiplayground

Using Conda

Create the environment

$ conda create -n dtienv-py38 python=3.8
$ conda activate dtienv-py38
$ pip install --upgrade dtiplayground
$ dmriplaygroundlab

Using Docker

$ docker pull niraluser/dtiplayground

Current docker image contains all the necessary tools (FSL/DTIPlaygroundTools) and configurations initialized. To use the container, either run bash or use as below :

$ docker run -it --rm --user $(id -u):$(id -g) -e HOME=$HOME -v $HOME:$HOME -v <WORKINGDIR>:<WORKINGDIR> niraluser/dtiplayground

It will launch DTIPlaygroundLab, open the link in a browser after execution.

Install Tools (FSL/DTIPlaygroundTools)

For admins who want users to use same FSL/dtiplayground-tools preinstalled in the network, use environment variables

  • FSLDIR : path to FSL root directory
  • DTIPLAYGROUNDTOOLS : path to dtiplayground-tools having info.yml file

Then each user will be asked to use those tools when he/she initialize (or first time use) the software

$ dmriplayround install-tools

Default output directory is $HOME/.niral-dti/ if output directory option is omitted

  • If --clean-install option is present, it removes existing software packages and temporary files first.
  • If --no-remove option is present, it doesn't remove temporary build files after installation
  • If --nofsl option is present, it will not install FSL.
  • If --install-only option is present, it will not update software path file of the configuration of the current version.
  • If --build option is present, it will build DTIPlaygroundTools with docker (docker required)

Once installed, $HOME/.niral-dti/global_variables.yml will have information of the tools including root path of the packages, and automatically changes software paths for the current version of dmriprep unless --install-only option is present.

NOTE If installation falied, remove $HOME/.niral-dti directory and reinstall or re-init dmriplayround by $dmriplayground init

DMRIPrep (dmriprep)

dmriprep is a tool that performs quality control over diffusion weighted images. Quality control is very essential preprocess in DTI research, in which the bad gradients with artifacts are to be excluded or corrected by using various computational methods. The software and library provides a module based package with which users can make his own QC pipeline as well as new pipeline modules.

About the Preprocessing part : README about Preprocessing

GUI Mode:

Use web UI:

$ dmriplaygroundlab

From the menu, go to DMRIPrep application

To use the legacy native UI (Mac/Linux),

$ pip install dtiplayground-native

When a user run dmriprep-ui first time, it automatically initializes.

$ dmriprep-ui

CLI Mode (Mac/Linux/Windows-WSL):

FSL/DTIPlaygroundTools required

For windows users, install WSL2 and linux packages with python >=3.8.6.

  1. init - Initialize configuration (default: $HOME/.niral-dti/dmriprep-<version>)

init command generates the configuration directory and files with following command. One just needs to execute this command only once unless a different configuration is needed. If you want to reset the initial configuration directory, you can run init again.

    $ dmriprep init 

If you want to set different directory other than default one :

    $ dmriprep --config-dir my/config/dir init 

Once run, config.yml and environment.yml will be in the directory.

You can manually specify the tool directory (which is generated by install-tools command) by --tools-dir option.

    $ dmriprep init --tools-dir <path/to/tool_dir>
  1. update - Update if config.yml has been changed (e.g. in case of adding user module directory). Changing config.yml file should be followed by updating environment.yml with running update command :
    $ dmriprep [--config-dir my/config/dir] update

This will update module-specific informations such as binary locations or package location used by the corresponding module. It simply updates environment.yml

  1. make-protocols - Generating a default protocol file

The first thing to do QC is to generate default protocol file that has pipeline information.

    $ dmriprep [base options] make-protocols -i IMAGE_FILENAME [-o OUTPUT_FILENAME_] [-d MODULE1 MODULE2 ... ]

if -o option is omitted, the output protocol will be printed on terminal.-d option specifies the list of modules for the QC, with which command will generate the default pipeline and protocols of the sequence. Same module can be used redundantly. If -d option is not specified, the default pipeline will be generated from the file protocol_template.yml . You can change the default pipeline in protocol_template.yml file

  1. run - Run pipeline To run with default protocol generated from protocol_template.yml:
    $ dmriprep [base options] run -i IMAGE_FILES -o OUTPUT_DIR -d [ MODULE1 MODULE2 ... ]

-d option (default protocol) works as described in make-protocols command. But you need to specify "-d" for the default pipeline from the template. If -o option is omitted, default directory will be set to Image filename_QC. IMAGE_FILES may be a list of files to process. In case of susceptibility correction, IMAGE_FILES needs to have counterparts for the polarities. dmriprep automatically process qc for all the input images before the susceptibility correction stage.

To run with existing protocol file:

    $ dmriprep run -i IMAGE_FILES -p PROTOCOL_FILE -o output/directory/

-p option cannot be used with -d option.

[NOTE] when using 2 image files for SUSCEPTIBILITY_Correct and other multi input modules, order of files can be important. For the SUSCEPTIBILITY_Correct, AP(FH), RL, SI phased file comes first. (e.g. $ dmriprep -i AP_img.nrrd PA_img.nrrd ...)

  1. run-dir Run output directory having protocol file
    $ dmriprep run-dir output/directory 

Development of a new module

Adding a module

Once initialized, users can add their custom module from scratch or existing system/user modules by following command

$ dmriprep add-module <module-name> [--base-module <base-module-name>] [--edit]

Following command will generate initial skeletal files of module

$ dmriprep add-module HELLO_World 

Then you can test if the module can be loaded properly with

$ dmriprep update

You can use your module right in protocol file.

if -b , --base-module is specified, new model will copy existing code and data from the base module. e.g.

$ dmriprep add-module MYFIRST_Module -b SLICE_Check

MYFIRST_Module will have same codes and data (module definition yaml file) from SLICE_Check module with new classname and filenames.


Once module is developed and tested in the user module directory, one can just move that directory in dtiplayground/dmri/preprocessing/modules and commit. Make sure the custom module is not existing both in system module directory and user module directory.

Removing user module

User module can be removed by

$ dmriprep remove-module <module-name>


$ dmriprep remove-module MYFIRST_Module

NOTE System module cannot be removed by this command. Only user module can be removed.

Modules in other directory

You can just copy module directory to $HOME/.niral-dti/modules/dmriprep and check with $ dmriprep update command. Same applies for removal of user modules.

DMRIAtlas (dmriatlas)

DMRIAtlas is a software to make an atlas from multiple diffusion tensor images. It performs affine/diffeomorphic registrations and finally generates the atlas for all the reference image.

CLI Mode (Mac/Linux/Windows-WSL):

DTIPlaygroundTools required

NIFTI DTI is not supported yet


The configured directory can be generated from DTIPlaygroundLab (UI)

$ dmriatlas build-dir configured/directory

GUI Mode

In DTIPlaygroundLab, ($ dmriplaygroundlab ) Goto DMRI AtlasBuilder -> configure -> Generate Output Directory or Execute.

Supported Images

  • NRRD
  • NIFTI (dmriprep)



  • Park, Sang Kyoon - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S.
  • Johanna Dubos - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S. / CPE Lyon, France
  • Teyssier, TimothĂ©e - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory, University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S. / CPE Lyon, France
  • Styner, Martin - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S.
  • Foster, Mark - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S.
  • Vladisova, Roza - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S.
  • Hong, Yoonmi - Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory , University of North Carolina @ Chapel Hill, U.S.



This software has been supported by the following NIH grants: R01HDO55741, U54HDO79124, R01EB021391, P50HD103573.




Application dependencies


  • Python >= 3.8.6 and development packages (e.g. python-dev or python-devel)

[POST INSTALLATION (OPTION)] : below tools can be installed using $ dmriplayground install-tools command

  • FSL >= 6.0
  • DTIPlaygroundTools


  • Python Libraries
    • simpleitk>=2.1.1
    • pynrrd==0.4.2
    • dipy==1.5.0
    • pyyaml==5.3.1
    • nibabel==3.2.1
    • pandas==1.4.3
    • reportlab==3.6.6
    • pypdf2==1.26.0
    • markdown==3.3.6
    • xhtml2pdf==0.2.7
    • opencv-python
    • flask
    • flask_cors
    • flas_jwt_extended


  • Python Libraries
    • PyQt5==5.9.2


  • Multi node computing with Kubernetes

Change Log

  • dmriplaygroundlabs - Modern Web UI
  • dmriplayground - installation, bug fixed
  • dmriprep - minor bug fixed, antspynet removed
  • dmriatlas - bug fixed, added directory build mode ($ dmriatlas build-dir [dir])
  • dmriplayground - refactored, local-server mode enabled
  • dmriprep - refactored
  • dmriatlas - refactored
  • dmriplayground - executable name dpg changed to dmriplayground (dtiplaground lab)
  • dmriprep - minor bug fixed
  • dmriatlas - minor bug fixed in using BRAINS (parameter error)
  • dmriatlas - cropping image bug fixed
  • dmriatlas - issue of external software : DTIReg doesn't generate inverse deformation field if BRAINS is selected
  • dtiplayground - dpg server development initiated
  • dtiplayground - readthedocs added ReadTheDocs
  • dtiplayground - official dockerhub repository DTIPlayground
  • dmriprep - BRAIN_Tractography bug fixed
  • dmriprep - Measurement frame bug fixed (inversion of measurement frame applied)
  • dmriprep - BRAIN_Tractography_v2 : partial tractography with reference dti. Registration added
  • dmriprep - v0.4.3b8
  • dmriprep - Bug fixed : Affine matrix transposition bug fixed
  • dmriprep - Memory usage: redundancy and inefficient memory management has been improved
  • dmriprep - Dependency removal: fury is removed from dependency
  • dmriprep - DTIPlayground tools installation without compile
  • dmriprep - v0.4.1 Release
  • dmriautotract - Initialized
  • dmrifiberprofile - Initialized
  • dmriatlas - name changed
  • dmriprep - dwi module moved to common namespace (dtiplayground.dmri.common.dwi)
  • dmriprep - add BRAIN_Tractography, DTI_Register and SINGLETRACT_Process in UI
2022-08-11 (0.3.8b4)
  • dmriprep - Bug fixed : Conversion between NRRD and NIFTI now includes space direction conversion as well as measurement frame
  • dmriprep - Bug fixed : B value rounding issue resolved
2022-08-10 (0.3.8b3)
  • dmriprep - New Module BRAIN_Tractography module for generating a tractogram of the whole brain using DIPY
  • dmriprep - Remove option to use ANTsPyNet in BRAIN_Mask module
  • dmriprep - update QC_Report, pdf and csv outputs directly in output directory
  • dmriprep - New Module DTI_Register module added for DTI registration (for tractography), it uses DTIReg with ANTS
  • dmriprep - software path related enhancement, each module can access to software path information more intuitively using self.softwares variable
  • dmriprep - yaml.dump replaced by yaml.safe_dump for potential exception handling
  • dmriprep - module commands added. add-module, remove-module
  • dmriprep - FSL installation
  • dmriprep - global variables in .niral-dti directory storing global information such as FSL/DTIPlaygroundTools paths
  • dmriprep - installation of dtiplayground tools
  • dmriprep - software path generation modified for the tools
  • dmriprep - Change EDDYMOTION_Correction parameters
  • dmriprep - Bug fix in UI (Exclude gradients module with manual selection)
  • dmriprep - Minor bug fix (conversion related)
  • dmriprep - Intermediary files can be exported during computation (in module level)
  • dmriprep New Module MANUAL_Exclude module added. It is a simple utility module that can exclude gradient volumes from an image with gradient indices from user input via protocols file.
  • dmriprep - New Module DTI_Estimate module added with limited capability (only dtiestim is enabled)
  • dmriprep - new option --no-output-image, if it's on, there will be no QCed outputfile (only use when there should be no output file. e.g. utilities such as BRAIN_Mask, DTI_Estimate)
  • dmriprep - Intermediary files can be saved in output directory with user-specified postfix. e.g. (Module).addOutputFile(sourcefile, postfix). These stored files will be copied into project directory with filename changed with postfix.
  • dmriprep - Singularity setup in slurm cluster
  • dmriprep - removed system logging
  • dmriprep - Nifti affine matrix orientation problem fixed.
  • dmriprep - Only modules listed in the protocols will be loaded.
  • dmriprep - BRAIN_Mask module added (use antspynet, fsl bet), only single file modalities (t2,fa) are available.
  • dmriprep - Image orientation between Nrrd and Nifti issue are mostly cleared, however 4d Nifti in Slicer doesn't work properly. Need to look into the issue
  • dmriprep - AntsPyNet library added for brain masking
  • dmriprep - BRAIN_Mask module development initiated
  • dmriprep : change directory name for the merged output to 'combined' from 'consolidated'
  • dmriprep : configuration directory will be provided to the protocol and submodules for reading configurations.
  • dmriprep : threading issue is addressed. --num-threads will cap the maximum number of threads to be used in the process
  • dmriprep : --num-threads option is added for users to control the resource allocation.
  • dmriprep : FSL wrapping
  • dmriprep : Eddymotion/susceptibility correction implemented with 2 modules (SUSCEPTIBILITY_Correct, EDDYMOTION_Correct)
  • dmriprep : Multi image input is implemented for susceptibility correction (if susceptibility correction module is not in the protocol, the input images will be QCed independently)
  • dmriprep : Multi input enabled both for multi processing and multi-input modules (such as susceptibility correction).
  • dtiatlasbuilder : Threading bug fixed.
  • dtiatlasbuilder : 1st refactoring is finished.
  • dtiatlasbuilder : ported to python3, refactoring
  • dmriprep : Baseline average implemented (DirectAverage, BaselineOptimized)
  • dmriprep : Optionalized pipeline implemented
  • dmriprep : dmriprep cli implemented
  • dmriprep : initial configuration directory management (default $HOME/.niral-dti/dmriprep)
  • dmriprep : Minor bug fixed
  • dmriprep : Slicewise check implemented
  • dmriprep : Interlace check implemented
  • dmriprep : Continuation from stopped point has been implemented , but if image itself is deformed it won't work. It only has ability to track exclusion of gradients yet.
  • dmriprep : Colored output is enabled with the logger. (dmriprep.Color.WARNING, dmriprep.Color.OK ... thingks like that look in of dmriprep module)
  • dmriprep : Sequential Pipelining implemented
  • dmriprep : New protocol format (YAML)
  • dmriprep : New protocol template (YAML)
  • dmriprep : Deveopement initiated


An integrated framework for DWI Image QC and processing







No packages published
