For information about installation and usage, please visit the official documentation website
Bouvette, Huang et al. eLife 2022;11:e80047
To avoid file permission issues, you should perform these steps as the user that will run the smartscope software.
wget --no-check-certificate
tar -xvf SmartScopeInstallation.tar.gz
cd SmartScope
The directory contains 5 files that can be divided in 3 categories:
Docker files:
: Main file for the docker environment. Should not need to be changed.smartscope.yml
: Simpler version of the docker-compose.yml to add additional settings. This one needs to be changed.
: Contains the configuration for the database connections to share between smartscope and the database.smartscope.conf
: Contains the configuration that is unique to smartscope.
: Used to start and stop the smartsocpe software.
2. Create a directory on your SerialEM computer where SmartScope will save data and a storage area for smartscope.
mkdir /mnt/serialemComputer/smartscope
mkdir /mnt/nas/smartscope
version: "3"
user: ${UID}:${GID}
# - /home/ubuntu/SmartScope/:/opt/smartscope/
######## ADD YOUR MAIN DATA LOCATION ##########
- /mnt/nas/smartscope/:/mnt/data/
# Example:
# - /nfs/data/:/mnt/data/
######## ADD YOUR MICROSCOPES #########
# The synthax from the microscope volumes is as follows:
# - /path/to/where/serialem/will/write/files/:/mnt/your_scope_name_here/
- /mnt/serialemComputer/smartscope/:/mnt/myscope1/
# Example:
# - /mnt/gatan_Raid_X/smartscope/:/mnt/arctica/
Note You can add multiple microscopes to the same SmartScope installation. Simply add an additional entry to the volumes section.
Detailed information about the environment variables can be found in the official documentation
The first start will download all the container images and is expected to last a few minutes.
./ start
#Outputs should look like this
Starting smartscope
[+] Running 5/5
⠿ Network installation_smartscopenet Created 0.0s
⠿ Container installation-cache-1 Started 0.7s
⠿ Container smartscope-db Started 0.6s
⠿ Container smartscope Started 1.0s
⠿ Container installation-nginx-1 Started 1.4s
You should now be able to access the smartscope interface at http://localhost:48000.
The initial account is admin
with password smartscope
There is a few more set up steps to do in SerialEM and in the web portal to get up and running.