What's Changed
- Endpoint for scrapper info created by @diogotvf7 in #72
- Update main branch for release by @diogotvf7 in #73
- Refactor/states refactor by @diogotvf7 in #74
- Changed the name of the professor model values by @diogotvf7 in #76
- Endpoint to return course unit based on id by @tomaspalma in #78
- Fixes wrong command on README and more detail on django caveats by @tomaspalma in #81
- Made redis url be constructed from environment variables and hostname not bounded to repository folder's name by @tomaspalma in #83
- Remove auto increment id from slot by @tomaspalma in #86
- Classes and slot relation many to many by @tomaspalma in #88
- Use more django orm features to speed up classes retrieval by @tomaspalma in #93
- Remove hard coded statistics by @thePeras in #94
- refactor: use postgres by @limwa in #96
- chore: prepare for niployments by @limwa in #97
- Feature/hash check endpoint by @jose-carlos-sousa in #95
- Fix schedule start time and duration types by @Process-ing in #99
- Fix class/ endpoint to return all professors by @Process-ing in #102
- Merge develop into main by @tomaspalma in #98
New Contributors
- @Wallen-Ribeiro made their first contribution in #54
- @tomaspalma made their first contribution in #53
- @Process-ing made their first contribution in #59
- @diogotvf7 made their first contribution in #72
- @thePeras made their first contribution in #94
- @limwa made their first contribution in #96
- @jose-carlos-sousa made their first contribution in #95
Full Changelog: https://github.com/NIAEFEUP/tts-be/commits/v1.0.0