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This package came about as a replacement for the corresponding script shared-source/construct_model_matrix.R within the repository NCI-CGR/plco-analysis. The goal of the package was to generate variant of the script that is modularized, extensible, testable, installable, and just generally better. Happily that has all seemingly been achieved approaching v1.0.0! The addition of formal test cases in particular using usethis::testthat has been a relief.

There isn't much use to installing this package for reasons other than integration with NCI-CGR/plco-analysis; but at least in this repo now, it's theoretically possible for someone to extend this package or use it for other purposes.



Certain installation methods require manual installation of dependencies, since this package is extremely unlikely to ever end up in CRAN or conda. If needed, the required dependencies are: devtools, stringr, and data.table. These can be installed with those names within R using install.packages, or from conda using those names with r- prepended.

With a tarball

This repo is formatted as a CRAN-compliant R package and can be installed using relevant installation methods. It's not on CRAN, but if you have a tarball of this repository, you should be able to install it with the following command:

R CMD INSTALL construct.model.matrix-1.0.0.tar.gz

With git/devtools

Possibly the most practical option is to use the same process I'm using during development and testing. Unfortunately since this is not in CRAN or conda, you have to handle the dependencies yourself, as mentioned above. Then clone the repo wholesale, and use devtools to install the package:




Input Data and Formats

The main entry point function in this package, construct.model.matrix, builds a model matrix given a series of parameter specifications. This is designed to deprecate the functionality of the NCI-CGR/plco-analysis script shared-source/construct_model_matrix.R.

The primary function construct.model.matrix accepts the following arguments:

  • phenotype.filename: character vector; a filename of a phenotype dataset (as of this writing, for example, the path and filename of the v10 IMS PLCO dataset, with "NA" missing values and augmented columns for batch and ancestry control).

  • chip.samplefile: character vector; a filename of a sample list, one sample ID per line. For reasons that doubtless made sense at some point, the sample ID format is in fact UNIQUEID_UNIQUEID, which is then parsed out into a single UNIQUEID instance. This is an artifact of a truly ancient version of the PLCO analysis process and is flagged for updating.

  • ancestry: character vector; the ancestry of the requested analysis. This is expected to be a GRAF-style ancestry name: African, African_American, East_Asian, European, Hispanic1, Hispanic2, Other_Asian_or_Pacific_Islander, Other, South_Asian. Note the underscore in these ancestries that replaces the whitespace in raw GRAF ancestry names.

  • chip: character vector; the name of the platform being analyzed. In practice, this is really imputation batch: for PLCO, "GSA_batch1" is valid, "GSA" is not.

  • character vector; variable name of the target phenotype in phenotype.filename.

  • covariate.list.csv: character vector; a comma-delimited list of covariate variable names from phenotype.filename, or the string "NA".

  • output.filename: character vector; the name of the output file to which the final model matrix will be written (see below for format specification).

  • category.filename: character vector; the name of the file containing reference and comparison category labels for binary and categorical trait analysis, or NA. If a file, the format is, one per line, a category from the phenotype variable, and the string "reference" or "comparison", separated by a tab. Levels with the same "reference" or "comparison" annotation will be merged into a single synthetic binary phenotype in the final output matrix.

  • transformation: character vector; the type of transformation to apply to the phenotype. Currently accepted values are "none", or "post.split.INT" for an inverse normal transform after dataset partitioning. This is not currently used by any analyses in the PLCO "Atlas" runs, and is merely a placeholder for later implementations. Currently, continuous traits are always inverse normal transformed. In fact, the level "none" should be renamed to "default", and this is flagged for change.

  • sex.specific: character vector; which type of sex-specific analysis is requested for this model matrix. Depending on the value, the final model matrix will be subset by the phenotype dataset "sex" variable to include only the requested subjects. Recognized values are: "combined", "female", "male". This assumes internally that the dataset coding of the sex variable will use "1" to depict male subjects and "2" to depict female; this is astonishingly common, but nevertheless exposure of these values as configuration candidates is on the long term edit list.

  • control.inclusion.filename: character vector; the name of the file containing control inclusion restrictions in terms of phenotype dataset variables and optionally categories within those variables; or NA. The format for this file is: per row, a variable name, and optionally a comma-delimited list of variable categories denoting valid controls. For backwards compatibility, a variant of this file only containing the first column is permitted, in which case all non-zero levels of the variable will be considered inclusion levels. This is only applied to binary traits.

  • control.exclusion.filename: character vector; the name of the file containing control exclusion restrictions in terms of phenotype dataset variables and optionally categories within those variables; or NA. The format for this file is: per row, a variable name, and optionally a comma-delimited list of variable categories denoting invalid controls. For backwards compatibility, a variant of this file only containing the first column is permitted, in which case all non-zero levels of the variable will be considered exclusion levels. This is only applied to binary traits.

Output Format

The data output format is consistent with the format established in NCI-CGR/plco-analysis. The first output row is a header of column names; the first two columns are "FID" and "IID"; though the naming convention is consistent with traditional PLINK phenotype files, the subject IDs are by default derived from the "plco_id" column from the PLCO backend phenotype files. The next column is always the single phenotype outcome; if the trait is continuous, this will have been inverse normalized. The remaining columns are any additional covariates in the model, in the order specified to covariate.list.csv.

The remaining rows each correspond to a single subject from the backend phenotype file, after filtering out subjects not requested by the relevant parameters (e.g. ancestry, chip, category.filename, sex.specific, control.inclusion.filename, control.exclusion.filename). The subjects are guaranteed to be in the same order in which they are encountered in the backend phenotype file. Entries are tab-delimited. There is no row ID column. String entries are not enclosed in quotation marks. The output file is plain text, not compressed.

Version History

21 January 2021: migrate to GitHub, reset to v1.0.0 on that platform.

17 December 2020: release candidate: v1.1.0! now with speeeeeedy loading.

16 December 2020: release candidate: v1.0.0! this has gone very smoothly.

14 December 2020: initial migration of version from plco.analysis.