LISF 557WW 7.5.11 Release
released this
06 Sep 17:41
814 commits
to master
since this release
Attention: This release is intended for NASA-LIS' USAF and UM partners. All other users should use the latest Public release.
LDT Release notes:
- No updates.
LIS Release notes:
- Update IMERG version to V06D in FOC files.
- Update the precipitation minimum threshold to 1.e-7.
- Add -9999 for fill values.
- Include limit checks to monthly BC values (CFSv2 and NMME).
- Update upper limit check on NMME monthly precip to 0.004 mm/s.
- Impose LDT landmask on the MERRA2/CHIRPS + NAFPA observation precip when calculating the obs climatology.
- Impose LDT landmask on NMME precipitation fields.
- Update the NMME temporal disaggreg script to not operate on undefined points (-9999).
- Implement current replacement of NMME constant precipitation values, with neighbor search to perform temporal disaggeg.; If no local CFSv2 gridcell found with precip >0., the NMME BC precip is set to 0.
- Reduce the temporal disagg. search window to 5x5 gridcells, since the native CFSv2/NMME gridcells are at 1x1 deg equivalent gridspace and want to ensure search over area due to gridcell edge-effect.
- Implement additional limit checks for CFSv2 BC and temporal disaggreg, since negative values are occurring from the BC step.
- Add CF-compliance updates for s2spost and s2smetric scripts.
- Fix S2S-post accumulated variables.
- Correct monthly total precip conversion in s2splots.
- Add alerts for missing/bad IMERG files.
- Add alert files for problems with preobs files.
LVT Release notes:
- No updates.