A turing simulator created as part of the cpp course at the DHBW Stuttgart Campus Horb
The makefiles we provide were proven to work on a machine running Ubuntu 18.10 with latest gcc + build-essential installed. Working Qt versions were 4.8 and 5.12.
When checking out this repository it is possible that the starting project is TuringSimu. Since that project ultimately compiles into a static library VS cannot start it. Thus it is necessary to change the starting project to TuringSimuCLI by right-clicking on it and setting it as such.
NOTE: This part is only required if you want to use Visual Studio. On Linux you may simply install boost and use the provided makefile.
To build the "TuringSimuTests"-project the following enviornment variables must be set:
The directory which contains the Boost.org (header) files, for example *C:\boost\boost_1_67_0*
The directory which contains the Boost.org binarys, for example *C:\boost\boost_1_67_0\stage\lib*
To build the "TuringSimuQtUI"-project choose one of the following methods:
Open the *TuringSimuQtUi.pro*-file located at *..\TuringSimu\TuringSimuQtUI* and build using Qt Creator
Install the *Qt Visual Studio Tools*. Open the solution within Visual Studio. Rightclick the "TuringSImuQtUI"-project and choose "Qt project settings". In the upcomming dialog select the version of Qt you would like to use (default name:"msvc2017") within the "Propeties"-tab and make sure that you check the following modules within the "Qt Modules"-tab: - Core - GUI - Widgets
One small benefit of using the more complex Visual Studio approach is the fact that libarys are used (whereas the .pro-approach compiles everything into one large exe).
To build this project either use Visual Studio 17 and build the corresponding project or use the makefile on any linux based system.