SHA-256 fingerprint of the code transparency key certificate (must be compared with the developer's public key manually):
C8 70 92 46 B3 32 22 6F 33 57 05 B4 5C 37 83 81 65 67 42 44 1B DC CC B2 96 1B 66 4D CF 4C 74 BC
Automagically skips pairing dialog when connecting Pokémon GO Plus, and alerts you when things go wrong.
Context: Pairing dialog were introduced in November 2020 security patch, for fixing CVE-2020-12856 as discovered by /u/BlueMysticNA.
This project is tested with BrowserStack. See a table of tested compatibility here.
Q: How to use it?
A: Install it, launch it, turn on the first switch (optionally turn on the remaining switches and click other buttons) and enjoy! You probably won't need to launch this app ever again.
Q: What do the other two switches do?
A: Those would allow PoGo+LE to post a notification when your device is disconnected, bag is full, storage is full, etc. You can manage these notifications in app settings.
Q: Is this app safe to use?
A: Yes. This app uses AccessibilityService
API to help you skip the pairing dialog. Since this app only interacts with Android system interface and system Settings but not the game, PoGo+LE is fully compliant with Niantic's terms of service and is safe to use.
Q: Not working?
A: Feel free to send the following information to me via GitHub issues or else: app version and configuration, device model, Android version, and a screenshot demonstrating the issue. Alternatively, you could try the root mode.
Q: Why should I use the root mode?
A: It works more reliably and eliminates pop ups entirely. However, it is more resource intensive. If you want to mitigate this issue, you can systemize this app.