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pedroduran edited this page Aug 23, 2013 · 1 revision

Getting Started


Step 1: Basic setup

Measure the evolution of your app key indicators: usage, downloads, retention, engagement, events and segments behaviour very quickly and with little effort using Malcom.

  1. a. If you use Cocoapods, add the malcom pod to your podfile
platform :ios, '5.0'

pod 'Malcom'
 b. Otherwise download the Malcom IOS SDK (malcom-lib-ios/Libraries/static library/lib/) and add the folder to your proyect. Add the [needed frameworks]( to your project.
  1. Add those lines in the AppDelegate:

     #import "MalcomLib.h"
     - (BOOL) application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
         [MalcomLib initWithUUID:@"UUID" andSecretKey:@"SECRETKEY"];
         //your code

  Those steps will give you access to this features:

  • Sessions
  • Unique users
  • Hours of Day (when is your app is used)
  • Technical (Model, SO version, App version, Lib version, Carrier)
  • Crashes
  • Location
  • Engagement
  • New users Vs Returning
  • Session length
  • Intelligence


Step 2: Understand user behavior through tracking Actionable metrics