Hello iterators.
Welcome to Driveway! The airbnb for driveways! This app allows people to rent out their driveways to other people for a fee. We imagined this app would be popular in busy cities or near popular events where traffic is congested and parking can be hard to find.
To build your webpack:
npm run webpack
To run webpack and the server together:
npm run dev
Webpack is on 8080 and the server is on 3000.
You will need a .env file with a MONGO_URL
You will need a folder called clientENV in your root, inside of which you will need one file called api.js.
api.js contains a single line:
export const API = "<your api key>";
The following line is already included in the GoogleMapsContainer.jsx file:
import { API } from '../../clientENV/api.js'
The clientENV is already listed in the .gitignore.
Without the api key you will only have a developer version of google maps. Api keys are free when you sign up.
Eh that's all I can think of atm.