ColorPickerDialog JCenter
A custom Dialog using for color picking.(Android Ice Cream Sandwich:API level 14)
- Gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'com.mummyding.view:colorpickerdialog:1.0.0'
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- Baisc Data
// colors you want to add,colors must not be null!!!
int [] colors = new int[]{Color.YELLOW,Color.BLACK,Color.BLUE,Color.GRAY,
Color.GREEN,Color.CYAN,Color.RED,Color.DKGRAY, Color.LTGRAY,Color.MAGENTA,
Color.rgb(100,22,33),Color.rgb(82,182,2), Color.rgb(122,32,12),Color.rgb(82,12,2),
Color.rgb(89,23,200),Color.rgb(13,222,23), Color.rgb(222,22,2),Color.rgb(2,22,222)};
- Create Demo
ColorPickerDialog dialog =
// Constructor,the first argv is Context,second one is the colors you want to add
new ColorPickerDialog(this,colors)
// Optional, if you want the dialog dismissed after picking,set it to true,otherwise
// false. default true
// Optional, Dialog's title,default "Theme"
.setTitle("Custom Theme")
//Optional, current checked color
.setOnColorChangedListener(new OnColorChangedListener() {
public void onColorChanged(int newColor) {
// do something here
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Color "+newColor,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
// build Dialog,argv means width count of Dialog,default value is 4 if you use build()
// without argv
- Simple Usage
ColorPickerDialog dialog =
// Constructor,the first argv is Context,second one is the colors you want to add
new ColorPickerDialog(this,colors)
.setOnColorChangedListener(new OnColorChangedListener() {
public void onColorChanged(int newColor) {
// do something here
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Color "+newColor,Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();